Happy Friday Everyone!
I know I shared this photo of the October calendar on our chalkboard wall before. But that was for "Yeah, October is here!" Today I'm sharing it because "YIKES! October is almost half over folks!!" Where DOES the time go?
On this Friday, I'm just sharing four things that have been happening or rolling around in my mind.
1.) This has been kind of a tough week around here. the Hubster has been traveling most of the week for work. Our world is just not right when he isn't here. We all miss him and I am really glad that the weekend is about here.
2.) Speaking of the weekend....This weekend is one of my most favorite things in the whole world - Second Sunday. What is Second Sunday? Well, it is something that was instituted with my family way before we had kids. Every second Sunday of the month we get together with my parents and my sister and her family for Sunday lunch. We used to try and plan things haphazardly and we realized that if we wanted to gather regularly, we were going to have to make it a priority on our calendar. So we picked that Sunday each month and now there are no excuses for not getting together. Generally, we meet at my parents house and we each pitch in for the meal. We eat and catch up and it is just a lot of fun. It's another tradition we carry on and we all love it. My kids look forward to going to Grandma and Grandpa's house each Second Sunday and the memories being made are just priceless. And you know I'm all about the memories!
3.) I've been thinking about following Carmel's lead over at Our Fifth House and "decrapifying" a bit around our house. Earlier in the year I did a 30 Days, 30 Bags plan to get rid of some junk around here. I think I actually only got to day 20, but it still felt so good to get some things cleared out. I'm noticing that my kids have outgrown a lot of clothes since last Fall and I should probably start there. I'll let you know how it goes.
4.) In case you were wondering (I know it's probably keeping you up at night), I'm still loving my new coffee table. I'm starting to lean toward not painting it. It's kind of growing on me the way it is. And I can always change my mind, right?
It's time for today's thankfulness....
* For strength to get through a trying week.
* For a husband who works so hard to take care of us.
* For time spent with my Mom yesterday, shopping and talking.
* For a weekend to look forward to.
I hope you all have a fabulous Fall weekend!

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- Jill