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Showing posts with label special needs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label special needs. Show all posts

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Lessons From An Eternal Optimist

I don't write a lot about my kids....not anything too personal at least. That is a conscious choice I have made. My children all have special needs and I've always felt that their personal stories would be theirs to tell, not mine, when they are ready.
But a couple weeks ago, my son told me a story that stopped me in my tracks. I decided to share it because I think it's something we can all learn from.
Celebrating his birthday a couple years ago.
It actually all started when my daughter was telling us about a game that she played at a party for her cross country team. The game is called "Never Have I Ever" and the idea is that you share something you have never done and you try to stump your friends and knock them out of the game because they have done it before. (As an aside, it seems a little negative to me and that you should get to stay in the game because you HAVE done lots of things before. But I digress....)
Anyways, my son piped up right away that he had played that game before too in one of his classes at school. And then he got very excited and said, "and I WON!!"
I was curious and as his Mom, it was my duty to investigate further.
Me: What? You won the game? What did you say that you hadn't done before?
[Son laughs uncontrollably. So much so that he almost can't speak.]
Son: "WALK! I've never walked before!" [still giggling]
[Mom tries not to sob uncontrollably]
To him it was all about winning the game.

With his girlfriend Tink. We tease him about this mercilessly.
I guess it may seem like I'm bragging on my son (well, maybe a little.) But Hubster and I can't take too much credit for this boy's attitude. Although we try to foster healthy attitudes in all of our kids, he arrived in our family at age four, full of positivity and not looking back.
He hasn't ever walked. He uses a power wheel chair full time. But in his mind, he gets to drive an electric blue convertible everywhere he goes.
In P.E. class, he often gets to be the score-keeper. In his mind, that is a position of power and responsibility. Plus he loves numbers....BONUS!
I remember one time he told me how he got to play kickball in P.E. I asked him if one of his friends kicks for him. He said, "Yea. And then I run really fast Mom!"
He doesn't even think about what he can't do. In his mind, he is just like everybody else.
He's an eternal optimist.

Playing and arcade game with Dad
I don't know about you, but I'm a "wallower."
I don't think of myself as a negative person, yet I've realized that I tend to wallow in my problems, worries, and what I can't (or think I can't) do. But it's really all in my perspective and I can choose to think about the positive and the things that I CAN do.
What about you? Are you a wallower too? Or maybe you're somebody who compares yourself to everyone else....their talents, their possessions, their accomplishments....instead of thinking how unique and special God made YOU! I've been THERE too.

At his 8th grade graduation, he won the Citizenship Award for hard work,
 positive attitude, friendliness, and school involvement.

Our lives....and our world....would be a better place if we stopped wallowing in negativity and chose to see all that is positive in our lives and all around us. Some people are eternal optimists. They see the positive in everything. But I would say there are probably more of us who need to make a conscious choice every day to think more positively.  I know I do. Will you take that challenge with me?

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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Back To School 2014

It's that time of year again....Back To School! We survived  enjoyed our Summer, but all good things must come to an end. Yesterday was our kids first day of classes.
I always try to get photos of the kids before they head off to school for the first day. I tried to make it as quick and painless as possible yesterday and had them post in front of our chalkboard again this year. (You can check out last years pictures HERE.)
I have to admit, since we had our Summer List up on the chalkboard, I got a little lax about doing a calendar. August never made it up there. So I decided to make a little 1st Day Of School graphic for our photos before the list gets erased for this year and September (gasp!) makes it's way up there.
I took each of the kid's photos as they were ready. First up....our middle guy.

He was so excited for his first day back! He actually did five weeks of Summer school, but he was still happy to return for the school year. He couldn't wait to see all his friends. What a blessing! I remember the days back in Kindergarten and First Grade when I had to literally push him on the bus every morning. It was traumatic for both of us! Now he tells me all the time that he loves school. He's come a LONG way Baby!

I especially love this photo. I may be a little prejudiced because I'm his Mom, but I think he has the best smile ever.
Next up was my daughter (She and above son are both in 8th grade this year.) She REALLY dislikes getting her picture taken. Always has. In her first couple baby photo shoots she has tears streaming down her face. I cried too....and we bought the pictures anyways.
I reminded/warned her the night before that we would be taking photos before school. She said she would only cooperate if I promised to put them on my blog.
Here you go funny girl!

I love her cute boxer top from Target. So cute! She insists on carrying this huge binder case for school. It cracks me up!
She had a lot of ups and downs last year, but I am excited to see how 8th grade goes. She has a new teacher this year and I think it will be a good change for her.

And last, but most certainly not least, is our oldest son....a.k.a. The High School Guy. Yep, this one headed off for his first day of High School yesterday. He was cool as a cucumber. I think I'm a little more excited/nervous/terrified than he is.
It takes a lot of planning, work, brainstorming, and communicating to make sure everything comes together for him at school. Sending him to a new school with different staff always makes me kind of nervous as his Mom and advocate. But I am really excited to see what high school holds for him.

And what other child do you know who is most excited because he has Geometry first period of the day? Seriously, he loves Math!

We had a super busy afternoon since my daughter also had a cross country meet after school (who schedules these things on the first day of school?), but it was fun hearing all their stories and excitement about their day.

Here's to a GREAT school year!!

Have your kids gone back to school yet? Do you have any First Day traditions or special photos that you take?
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Friday, March 14, 2014

Four Things For Friday 3.14.14

Good Friday Morning Everyone!

It's been kind of slim pickin's on the blog here lately, but if you've been dying to know what's on my mind, here are today's Four Things!

1.)  I have promised myself I will not write one more blog post that contains comments on Winter weather. (Thus, the quiet here.)  I'm done. The end.

2.) My sweet white tulips from last week are unfortunately also done. I've replaced them with some faux daffodils for the time being. As faux flowers go, these daffodils I got at WalMart ($3/bush) are pretty nice, I think.

(What do you think about the word "faux?" Is it really better than just calling something fake?")

3.) Our son who is wheelchair dependent has figured out that in June he will be old enough to get his temporary permit to drive. Help me, Lord! That will take a miracle on so many levels. But who am I to squash his dreams? ( He also wants to manage a professional baseball team, preferably the Cleveland Indians) In the meantime, Hubster has begun quizzing him on traffic laws. OY!
4.) Remember that old song.....
            Make new friends, but keep the old.
         One is silver, and the other gold.
Today, Mom, Sal, and I are having lunch with a couple dear old friends. Then tomorrow evening, we are having some new friends over for dinner. It should be fun!
I hope that whatever your plans are that you have a great weekend!

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Friday, February 28, 2014

Four Things For Friday 2.28.14

Hello Friday!!

Again this week I've gathered a few of my thoughts in one place. And this is the last Four Things For Friday for February. (Say THAT ten times fast!)

1.) I think I probably mentioned already that due to snow days, holidays, and teacher in-service days this was going to be the kids first full week of school since before Christmas. We got through the first half of the week without too much problem. But as expected, by yesterday things got pretty difficult in the morning. One particular child had a really hard time getting up and if he was getting up, he was determined to wear his pajamas to school. Oh the joys of having a child with a six-year-old mind trapped in a 14-year-old's body. It can be so frustrating....for all of us. But honestly, who can blame the kiddo for wanting to stay cozy in his jammies when there are sub-zero temperatures outside? 

2.) This week my oldest son has been able to listen to some Spring Training games on his iPad. I didn't realize how much I missed hearing the sound of baseball coming from his room. Silly, but it felt familiar....and hopeful....and is just another reason why Winter can be hard for some, I guess.

3.) This week I have been super thankful for, friends, teachers, youth leaders....who get our kids, or at least try. We've encountered people in the past who didn't and I'm sure we will in the future as well. But for right now we are blessed to be surrounded by so many people who have taken the time to get to know our kids and accept them just as they are.

4.) Okay, file this under useless, yet interesting information.....well, at least if you're a Downton Abbey fan like me. I was watching TV a couple evenings ago and saw a commercial for the new Liam Neeson movie, Non-Stop and I thought I saw somebody familiar. Last night when the commercial came on, I payed closer attention. Sure enough, Lady Mary is on that airplane with Liam Neeson! I Googled the trailer this morning and it's kind of funny to see Michelle Dockery who plays Lady Mary in a modern-day action/adventure movie. I had to smile though, because she still had that chronically concerned look on her face. But I suppose I would too if I was on a plane with Liam and it was being highjacked.

That's it for this week. Have a great weekend everybody!
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Friday, February 7, 2014

Four Things For Friday 2.7.14

Happy Friday, Everyone!

It's time another edition of Four Things....Friday style!

1.) This morning when we woke up the temperature was -1 and the wind chill was -14. No snow day. No two hour delay. Nothing. I think this winter is making us hardier. We don't need no stinkin' snow day!! Ha!

2.) I'm excited for the start of the Olympics. How about you? Winter is my favorite. The kids have been looking forward to it too. I'm only disappointed that so much is shown on the cable channels these days. We only have basic cable.....bummer. And with it being half-way across the world, most of it that is on the network is on long after the kids are in bed. But we will see what we can tune in over the weekend. Go Team USA!

3.) I'm looking forward to sharing a little project with you that I've been working on for the last couple days. Next week. Tune in!

4.) And finally.....tomorrow we will be celebrating the 11th Gotcha Day of this guy....

Eleven years! Yikes!

I knew he was "ours" from the moment I saw his picture. But I didn't fall in love with him until I heard his sweet giggle in person for the first time.

He's come such a long way in those eleven years and he's becoming such a wonderful young man! His intelligence, sense of humor, and positive outlook on life never cease to amaze me.
I am proud and humbled that he has been entrusted to our care.

Have a great weekend everybody!
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Friday, January 3, 2014

Four Things For Friday 1.3.14


Here is the first Four Things For Friday for 2014! (It is Friday, right? My days are still so mixed up.)

1.) Let me be one of the last  people to wish you a Happy New Year. Ha! 2014 is only a couple days old and I already feel so behind! Yesterday I began the process of taking down everything Christmas. And some time today I will begin undecorating the tree so Hubster can take it down tomorrow. After all the Fall and Christmas decor I'm a little stuck on what to do now. Not sure if I want to leave a little red out through February or move right back into some yellow and aqua. I received some pretty things for Christmas that I'd like to put out too. So we'll see.

2.) We had a wonderful New Year's Eve celebration with dear friends. This is the fourth year that we have traveled to West Virginia to be with them. We always have such fun playing games, and eating, and playing more games.....and eating some more. You get the idea. And sometimes we throw a movie in....just to be a little crazy. We ring in the New Year early with festive hats, accessories, and noisemakers....for the kids, 'ya know. It's actually getting to be for the adults too because we rarely make it to midnight any more.

We love spending time with Tina and Brian. Our kids absolutely ADORE them and it is so nice to spend time with friends who really get our kids. They are wonderful hosts and make us feel like we have had a true little getaway.

The last two years, we have dined on a New Year's Eve dinner of various appetizers. Tina makes a couple and I make a couple. She makes an awesome buffalo chicken dip that I love and eat way too much of.

And in the morning, we were treated to yummy pumpkin waffles. 

3.) We really have enjoyed the Christmas break. We've had a good balance of getting together with family and friends and chilling at home. It was so nice to have Hubster home all but two days that the kids have been off. It is going to be rough to get up at 5:15 again come Monday morning.

4.) I have to admit that it has been difficult to blog during the last two weeks. What with the kids home and all our comings and goings. Not to mention that we have been SLEEPING IN! I feel like I have to get my groove back. And hopefully next year I will do a better job of planning ahead to get over this little bump.

2013 had lots of home improvements to share. I'm not sure what 2014 will hold as far as that goes, but I hope you will join me on the adventure!
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Keepin' It Real

If you've come here today looking for a post about a beautifully cleaned's not happening today.

Today there will be no "pinnable" photographs.....not even any unsuitable for pinning ones.

I thought about not even writing today at all, but I decided that I would just be honest.

As I write this, it's still only 7:30am, and it's already been a rough day in our house. 

I always want to be careful of protecting my children's privacy. So let's just say that it involved a pretty big, screaming-at-the-top-of-your-lungs tantrum, the possible re-injury of a knee that was hurt back in the Summer, and me sending said child on the bus to school anyways.

Nope, there won't be any Mother Of The Year award coming my way any time soon. (But in my defense I'm still not sure if it was a real injury or just for drama sake.)

This is the kind of stuff that happens at our house. We have three children with special needs. 

No, I'm not trying to play the special needs sympathy card. And I'm not looking for a pat on the back. This is the life we chose and we are blessed beyond measure. But I don't want anyone to ever think that things are all sunshine and roses at our house....because they are not. And I just want to be honest.

Amazingly, when I sat down to do this post, what came to my mind were the verses in Psalm 121:1-2.

 I lift up my eyes to the hills-- where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Wow! Did you get that? 
The Maker of the Universe is there to help ME! Even on tough mornings like today's.
All I have to do is LOOK UP.
And whatever situation you find Yourself in.....He's there to help you too.
That gives me great comfort today and I hope it does you too.

I will continue working on my mud room closets today, but it is slower-going than I thought it would be. But I'll get there and I promise I will share the "afters" with you when I'm done.

Today's Thankfulness....

* For Scripture that I learned as a child coming back to my mind this morning.

* For the help that comes from the Lord.

* For my usually-sweet children.
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Monday, September 2, 2013

Flea Market Finds

I hope everyone is enjoying this Labor Day weekend!

Friday evening the Hubster asked me if we had any plans for the holiday weekend. Nope, not really. He asked me what I would like to do. All summer, I had been itching to go to a flea market that is not too far away from us, but when Saturday rolled around each week, it just never worked out for us/me to go.

"Weellll, I really would like to go to the flea market," I said. I had visions of great discoveries of blue Ball jars, pretty plates (my weakness), or what I was REALLY looking old, painted, six-pane window for my mantel.

"Would you like to go alone or would you like this to be a family 'outing'?"

Such a loaded question. But we made plans for us all to go. It is the unofficial last weekend of Summer after all. In looking up the hours online, I discovered that this was this flea market's busiest weekend of the year. Yeah.

Saturday morning we announced our plan to the troops. And The Hubster also told everyone that they would each have five dollars to spend at the flea market however they wished.

"What a brilliant plan," I thought. This will keep the kids engaged in the experience trying to find the perfect thing to buy.

So off we went. And they weren't kidding. It WAS the busiest weekend of the year. Which, under normal circumstances, would be great. More to choose from, right? But you will learn very quickly that we are anything BUT normal circumstances. We are a girl who likes to walk quickly with her Daddy, flitting from one thing to another....a  60+ pound, 13 year-old boy who likes to walk slowly and insists on holding his mother's hand thus dragging her down, and a boy in a power wheelchair who is really doing the best he can, but needs guidance from either Mom or Dad to make his way through the crowds of people. No, we are NOT normal circumstances.

And The Hubster's brilliant $5 plan would have been great too, except child found what he wanted almost immediately and was then child found what she wanted almost immediately, but Dad told her she should look around more before she decided and thus she complained for the next 45 minutes....and one child had a hard time finding anything he wanted.

So do you want to see our "treasures?"

We came away with two "titanium" necklaces, a bag of butterscotch candy, a jar of Uncle Gizzy's XXX Hot Horseradish, a toy Volkswagen Beetle....oh, and the slice of pumpkin roll and peanut butter whoopee pie that are not pictured because they were consumed on the drive home.

Sorry if you were expecting to see Ball jars and pretty plates....or an original copy of the Declaration Of Independence that we found on the back of an oil painting.

And windows? Yep, there was a booth with loads of them, exactly what I wanted. Good prices too. But it just wasn't the right day to buy them, you know? A bit of a bummer. BUT the kids will talk about going to the flea market for a long time, and the treasures they found, and the time spent together. There will be other days to find the perfect window.

So what did you do to make memories with YOUR family this weekend?

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Thursday, August 22, 2013

What's This All About?


If you've stumbled upon this blog, you're just in time! 

"For what?" you may ask. 

For my very FIRST post!

So now maybe you're asking, "What's this all about, this 'Still Keeping On The Narrow Way' blog thingy?" (Yes, "thingy" is a word. At least in my world it is!)

Welllllll.....Let me start by telling you a little bit about myself. I am a wife and mother of three kids. All three of our children came to us through foreign adoption and have special needs. Plus, we have a dog who is the biggest "Mama's boy" ever! So things around our place can get pretty crazy.

Also, since I was young, I've loved houses and home decor. But now that I've grown up and have my own family and home, it's become more about making a comfortable, secure home for my family as well as a welcoming place for friends and family. Sure, I still want to have a home that looks nice, but it is more about the feeling you get when you're there.

I love simple projects and touches that make my home feel special. I love decorating to celebrate the seasons. I love creating memories for my children.

So, I guess this is what you can expect here. Posts about family and making home special.

I read recently that if you write a blog, you have to be an expert at something. Well, I am NOT an expert at marriage, or parenting, or organization, or decorating, or DIY, or crafts. (You get the picture) But, I AM good at trying.

Since, I'm no expert, my real hope that this blog will be a conversation....where I share a little and you share a little too.

The subtitle of Still Keeping On The Narrow Way is

 Living - Loving - Laughing - Learning - Dreaming - Daring - Doing

I hope to do all of that along the way.

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