I'm here!
Here I am!
Just in case you were worried I fell off the side of the earth....nope. I'm still here.
I hate to admit it, but I think I've just been trying to survive February. At least as far as this blog goes. I haven't felt too inspired. I mean between sickness, snow days, Hubster traveling, and the Polar Vortex, I've just been trying to keep warm and make it through, 'ya know? I think my lack of inspiration kept me from taking photos. No photos....no blog post.
As I said, Hubster was traveling last week...to Sweden. Yep, SVEEEEden. When he left, I jokingly said, "Bring me back something from Ikea!"
Well, he did even better than that. The day after he got home, while the kids were in school, we went on a little road trip to the closest Ikea...about a two hour drive...and I got to have a little shopping spree!
Talk about inspiration! Have you been to an Ikea before? It's almost inspiration overload. But what fun!
So the last couple days I've been at it again. I've been moving, switching around, and inserting new things into our decor. And I've added a little "early Spring" too. Nothing crazy. Just enough green to give some hope that Spring really will be coming this year. (Although the weatherman said yesterday this may be one of those years we go from Winter straight into Summer. Hmm.)
So at Ikea I found some great little faux plants and metal containers to put them in along with this round woven placemat and made a new little arrangement on the coffee table.
Once I got the coffee table figured out, my creative juices got flowing for the rest of the living room.
I tend to put our some more "girly" things out for Spring, like a little lace and some of my tea cup collection. Under the glass cloche I have a cup and saucer from each of my grandmothers. And if you think things look girly all the time, you ain't seen nothin'! In our old house, our living room was painted pink. Hubster affectionately called it "Pigtail Pink." True story.
All the Valentine red is pretty much gone. In the basket on the TV cabinet I exchanged spools of twine and red ribbon for some eggs.
I love this sweet little Blue Jay. He was a Hobby Lobby find a couple years ago.
I've been wanting for some time to replace the frames that the kids portraits were in. The were blue, leftover from my country blue period....which coincided with the pink living room. (Yikes!) I wanted something more simple and classic and I found these great frames at Ikea for only 7.99 each. I thought that was an excellent price. They are a very basic frame, but much better quality that the ones I had (which I believe were from WalMart several years ago.)
I kind of like the way they look just leaning against the wall for now, but I think I will eventually hang them over the piano.
So finally, some inspiration to keep me going through this Winter. All it took was a short road trip to Ikea to get me jump-started. And I did get a couple little things for the kitchen too, which I will show you at some point.
I have to say though that the best thing about our spontaneous road trip was getting to hang out with my Hubster for the day, just the two of us. It's a rare thing and we had a lot of fun.