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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Playroom Update: The Furniture Story

This little playroom update is LONG overdue. I've been wanting to share this story with you since around Thanksgiving time, but then the Christmas season arrived and it just didn't feel like the right time.


So.....Back in the Fall, Hubster finally gave the official thumbs up to buying a new couch for the playroom. A couple days before Thanksgiving, he took the day off work and we made the two-hour trip to our closest IKEA store. I had IKEA's Ektorp love seat and chaise in my mind from the beginning of the playroom project and that's what we decided to go with.

We left as soon as the kids were on the bus for school, made the drive, and arrived in plenty of time to get some 99 cent breakfast. That's Hubster's favorite part. And I don't mind starting the shopping adventure with that if it keeps him happy. Haha!

My Instagram photos help tell the story.



After breakfast, we headed to the showroom floor. The sofas were all at the beginning of the IKEA trail (If you've been to an IKEA you know what I mean.) There was a group of employees in that area rearranging and setting up a new furniture display. I wanted to show Hubster a sample of the fabric cover I had chosen, but couldn't find it among the samples. I asked one of the employees about it and she kindly showed me a cushion from a sofa they had just moved out in that fabric (Nordvalla grey, by the way.) Hubster approved and we were directed to another employee who helped us order it. So, with a printout in hand of what we wanted to show the cashier, we were on our way along the trail to enjoy the rest of our shopping.

I picked up a couple smaller things along the way and when we reached the checkout area, Hubster discovered the "as-is" area and wanted to take a look.

And there it was.....the Ektorp loveseat and chaise in Nordvalla grey that had just been brought down from upstairs where they were doing all the rearranging. It was still on a cart with all the cushions piled on top and hadn't been re-priced yet. We approached the gentleman working in that area about it and he went off to check what the marked-down price would be. In the meantime while we waited, Hubster sat down on a Strandmon wing chair in Skiftebo orange that was also marked down. I had been considering this chair for the playroom as well, but figured we could only afford the couch right now. I mentioned it to Hubster. Then the man came back and told us the price of the Ektorp. With as much as each piece was reduced, we could get both for less than what we were planning on paying for just the couch! We gave both pieces a good look-over to make sure they were in good shape and everything looked good. The decision was made. It was pretty much a no-brainer.

Except for the fact that we had to figure out a way to get them both home in our mini-van.

Hmmm. I was skeptical, but Hubster was confident we could do it. (I love that man!) Even the guy whose job it is to help people load their purchases into their vehicle expressed his concern that it would fit. But Hubster was not discouraged! He managed to cram both in and we headed for home!

We are STILL so beside ourselves at what a great deal we got and are really happy with our purchase. I have always loved the idea of having a sectional, but in a room this size it was just not practical, so the Ektorp loveseat with chaise is a perfect alternative.

And an orange chair!!
I know....isn't it awesome! Hehe!
Despite having been floor models, both pieces are in excellent condition with no wear. This makes me feel good about how the fabric will wear on them over time. (The fabric on the couch is amost like a grey denim.) I don't know how long IKEA keeps their furniture displays, but you know people had to be sitting in these things....trying them out, waiting for their wife to finish shopping. I mean, I know I do those things.
Another perk to buying floor models was that (even though we had to cram them in our van) they were already assembled. And on the Ektorp, the cover had already been steamed. I hear that those are a bear to handle straight out of the package.
We are definitely using this room more. The Ektorp is especially comfy and I LOVE the chaise part. It is a nice quiet spot to read or watch TV by yourself. But honestly, there have been times when all five of us have been in this room watching football or something together. So it was a win, win, win situation for us and we are very happy.
I still have a couple of loose ends that I want to tie up in this room though. I need to tackle window treatments. It's looking pretty blah at this point with only mini-blinds. I would also like to get one or two side tables, maybe a floor lamp, and something for on the wall over the chair....a mirror perhaps. But these things will all come in time. I'm not in a hurry now that the room is back to being comfortable and usable again.

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Friday, October 3, 2014

Beauty To Share

The other day I made a trip to Trader Joe's. I love Trader Joe's. Do you? I have a weakness for their frozen food aisle.

Unfortunately, the closest store to me is about a half hour away. Every once in a while I get the urge to make the trip up there though. Another perk of going to this particular store are the beautiful flower beds and containers gracing the shopping center that it is in.

Even though Fall has arrived, I was fortunate enough to catch their Summer flowers before they are spent. I don't know how they are able to keep them looking this good for so long. The only sign of Fall were the dried hydrangeas.

This was a creative display. All the different plants are planted in little "pockets" on a wooden frame. I loved all the little houses.

Trader Joe's own pumpkin displays outside the store looked lovely too.




All the colors were just stunning and I wanted to share them with you. Have a great weekend!
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