
Saturday, May 24, 2014

A God Thing And A Movie Recommendation

Hey Everybody! I know I don't usually post anything on Saturdays, but I wanted to share something good before this holiday weekend gets away from me and also before I go out of town.

At the urging of the Hubster I took a little time yesterday to do something I would enjoy. I had been wanting to go see the movie Moms' Night Out since I saw the previews at another movie a few weeks ago. Fortunately, there was a showing early enough so I could be home in time after school and so I took off.

I want to tell you about this movie for a couple reasons, the first being that you probably have not seen or heard an advertisement for it.....probably because it's a Christian movie. I wouldn't have known about it had I not seen the preview.

I went hoping for a fun movie and a few laughs. I got that plus a lot more. I laughed, I cried, I was entertained, and I was blessed.

If I was a bit more creative, I think I could have written the script for this movie because I saw so much of my life in it. Do you remember my I Am Enough post from last week? Imagine my shock when, at the most poignant part of the movie, I heard my own words almost exactly being spoken on the screen. (It's an epidemic among women, I tell 'ya!) It was as if God placed those lines there just for me as if to say, "You know those words you wrote about being enough? Those were right on the mark."  A confirmation of sorts. I sat there in disbelief with tears streaming down my face.

Friends, that is ONLY a God thing!!

Take a look at the trailer....although it doesn't do this film justice.

I don't know how much longer the movie will be playing. It's been open since the beginning of May. So if you are a mom who has those harried moments at times (I mean, don't we all?), do yourself a favor. Grab your other mom friends, or your husband (it wouldn't be a terrible idea if he saw it), or go by yourself (I did!) and see Moms' Night Out!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Four Things For Friday 5.23.14

It's been ages since the last Four Things For since February, I think! I thought I'd hit you today with a few random thoughts and goings-on.


1.) A few days after I wrote my post I Am Enough I saw a similar one by Laura over at Finding Home (another one of my favorite blogs that I am going to write about someday.) It seems like there may be an online epidemic of women who are trying really hard but still feel like they don't measure up. I love how Laura relates it all to grace. If you have time, I encourage you to read her post Grace And Grocery Store Flower Arrangements.

2.) I am looking forward to this Memorial Day Weekend. Do you have any traditions for this holiday? We have a couple that I love. 

First off, we have family that visits from New York every year for the weekend. This has been a tradition since I was a girl and now my kids look forward to it each year. We gather over at my parent's house and always have a lot of fun together catching up, playing games, and eating good food.

Hubster's family has a very long-standing tradition as well that was started by his grandparents. On Memorial Day morning we all gather together to have a breakfast picnic....rain or shine. Everyone pitches in by bringing different breakfast items and we actually cook a huge breakfast on camping stoves. The morning used to also include a long hike after breakfast. I remember my first breakfast when Hubster and I were dating. It rained that year, but we still hiked. They teased me that the Memorial Day hike was my initiation into the family.

3.) I've been itching to change up my décor a little for Summer. Unfortunately I just haven't had a big chunk of time to spend on doing it yet. Last week I was busy preparing for the Thank You Dinner and this week has been busy with end of the school year activities, a baseball game, as well as preparing to go with my son on his 8th grade class trip to Washington, DC next week. Hopefully when I return I can do it.

4.)  And on the subject of going to Washington....I probably won't be posting at all next week. We depart very early Tuesday morning and won't return until Friday evening. My son is very excited about the trip and so am I. Last time I was there was when the kids were VERY small and we just went for a really spontaneous two-day adventure. I don't know what we were thinking. The kids were way to small to appreciate any of it or even remember it. My son has had American History this year and also read a book that took place during the Civil War so I'm hoping that this trip will make that all come alive for him (we will be stopping in Gettysburg, PA on our way home.)

I'm looking forward to a little break away from home and our normal routine as well as spending time with my son. I'm technically not a chaperone. Because of my son's special needs, I'm just going to travel with him and take care of his needs. We'll see how that pans out, but I'm looking forward to it.

I think that's it for today. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend making memories with the ones you love and being thankful for those who have sacrificed for the freedoms we have here in the United States.

P.S. - I've added a new little gadget at the top. If you're not able to stop by every day, hopefully this will help you see any posts that you've missed. Have a great weekend!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Decorating For A "Thank You" Dinner

Last week, our church held a dinner to say 'thank you' to everyone who serves in our church.....nursery workers, Sunday School teachers, ushers, and everyone in between. It was a sweet time of fellowship, encouragement, and prayer.
Hubster was on the committee that planned the dinner and I was asked to decorate the tables.

Since the entrée was lasagna, I tried to base the decorations a little bit on an Italian dinner theme. The tables were covered with red checked tablecloths a la Lady And The Tramp.
My sister-in-law and mother-in-law made favors that were a Volunteer's Survival Kit. They included cute little items with Bible verses to go with them that were placed in a white lunch bag and tied with red ribbon. 
The centerpieces were placed on white paper doilies and included a little grouping of three different things.

I found cans of crushed tomatoes with these great graphic labels at Save-A-Lot. I emptied them out (yes, I have lots of crushed tomatoes in my freezer now), and planted a tomato plant, parsley, and basil in each of them.

The second item was a mason jar with a photo in oil. If you're on Pinterest at all you've probably seen these. I've been waiting for just the right opportunity to try making them and I was happy with the way they turned out. I used photos of different folks who serve in our church and people seemed to enjoy looking around at the different photos.

The one pictured above is Hubster teaching Sunday a jar. Ha!  In the jar below is a picture of our church that I used on the food table.

The third item in the centerpiece cluster were these cute Italian sparkling lemonade bottles that I found at World Market. (Yes, my family drank all the lemonade!) When I saw them, I thought they would look good alongside the tomato cans. When I got home, I was actually amazed at how well the colors went together. I used faux flowers in them. I would've like to use fresh, but I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find what I wanted at the last minute. I knew I wouldn't have time on the day of the dinner to go running around looking for flowers so I just went with the fake ones. I actually found these at the Dollar Tree so they were a lot less expensive than what fresh would've been too.

For the main food table I used an inexpensive chalkboard I found at JoAnne's and did this embellished 'Thank You.'  I found this great example here and used it for my inspiration. Have to give credit where credit is due.
I flanked the chalkboard with the plants, flowers, and a photo jar.

It  really was a lovely dinner. A bunch of people worked hard to create an evening to bless those who serve faithfully and selflessly in our church. My contribution was only a small part. I enjoyed putting it all together. It's fun when you can up with a theme and just go with it.


Thursday, May 15, 2014

I Am Enough

Enough. I've always thought that was a funny word. I mean, say it. It's funny, don't you think? And it's spelled weird too. I've been thinking about the word enough though.

Here's what I mean.....

When my teenager stomped out the door in the morning one more time because I'm "the meanest mom in the world," I thought, "Sometimes I don't think I am enough for this child." Or any of my children for that matter. I know beyond the shadow of a doubt because of the way God worked out every detail, that these kids were meant to be ours....but sometimes I just don't understand why He thought I would be the right mom for them.

Quite honestly though, there are a lot of times when I don't feel like enough.....but I am. Sometimes I just need to keep reminding myself of that.

When dinner is put on the table late or overdone.....I am enough.
When I hear, "but I don't like this"  one more time at the dinner table....I am enough.
When wet laundry is sitting in the washer for the second day....I am enough.
When the scale reads a number I, and the world, don't like....I am enough.
When I have to say no to one more thing I'm asked to do....I am enough.
When my teenager storms out the door again....I am enough.
When this little blog goes another whole week without a new guessed it.... 
I am enough.

The ironic thing is, that in the whole grand scheme of things....I really am NOT enough. I am a sinner. It is only because I am created in Christ's image and saved through His grace that I am enough.

I am a Dancing With The Stars fan....I admit it. But I loved what contestant Candace Cameron Bure said on Monday night's show. Let me paraphrase it for you....

I want to dance well. I want to please the judges and get a good score. But ultimately I am dancing for an audience of one and that's God.

I love that! I may not be dancing on TV (thank goodness!), but that applies to anything I do as well. The only thing that matters is what God thinks. And He sees me as "ENOUGH" through His Son. And His strength is made perfect in my weaknesses.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

My Mother Is.....

On Monday, my son brought home this paper that he had filled in about me at school. It gave me a good laugh and did my heart good too.

My mother is nice.
I try. One of my grandfather's favorite sayings was "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice."
She cleans the dishes.
Sometimes I feel like that's all I ever do. So I guess he's noticed!
She likes dogs.
This is true. Especially our dog Sugar. My boy likes dogs too. Especially our dog Sugar.
She looks like a heart.
I think this may be literally true. I hope it is figuratively true as well.
I would've gladly accepted the answer "Julia Roberts" though.....but I'm just glad he didn't write "Dora The Explorer."
She sounds like a popstar singer.
That may have something to do with me singing "Part Of Your World" around the house like nobody's business...all. weekend. long. But I'm sure he was just being nice.
She smells like cookies.
Okay, this is sort of a weird question I think. But I'll take it! I'm glad he didn't say mothballs, garlic, or a wet dog.
She always is a good parent.
My mother is playful.
I loved this. First, that he thought of this word. And second, that he thought it described me. I try to keep things fun around here.
I thought this was so sweet. It made me smile and gave me a couple good laughs. But it also made me happy to know that this is how my son sees me.
If you are a mom I'm sure you've felt the same way I do sometimes....that you aren't fun, that you are stressed out, that your life is just one continuous film loop, that you always wind up being "the mean mom,"  that maybe you're not giving your kids the best that you can, and maybe you smell like wet dog (or baby formula, or laundry that's been sitting in the washer for two can fill this in yourself.)
What a relief to know that my child doesn't see me this way. Maybe it's time to see ourselves through our children's eyes and cut ourselves a little slack.
What do you think?

Monday, May 5, 2014


Wow, it's May!

May is one of my most favorite months of the year and not just because my birthday is in May. But I love Spring, the end of the school year, warmer temperatures, and flowering shrubs and trees. My favorite flowers are the flowers of this time of year too.....daffodils (although I think they're a little late this year), tulips, and lilacs.

I chose to add a bunch of lilacs to the calendar this month.

Our family's calendar has already gotten pretty full for this month. Mother's Day, a special dinner at our church that both Hubster and I are involved in planning, baseball games, birthdays, end of the school year activities, a band concert, and Memorial Day. I will also be accompanying my son and his class on their 8th grade class trip to Washington, D.C. during the last week of May. makes me tired just thinking about it!

Yes, it's a busy time. But it is also an opportunity to make so many memories with our children or grandchildren. I'm ready to dive 'bout you?
Is your calendar filling up too?
What are your plans?