
Monday, May 5, 2014


Wow, it's May!

May is one of my most favorite months of the year and not just because my birthday is in May. But I love Spring, the end of the school year, warmer temperatures, and flowering shrubs and trees. My favorite flowers are the flowers of this time of year too.....daffodils (although I think they're a little late this year), tulips, and lilacs.

I chose to add a bunch of lilacs to the calendar this month.

Our family's calendar has already gotten pretty full for this month. Mother's Day, a special dinner at our church that both Hubster and I are involved in planning, baseball games, birthdays, end of the school year activities, a band concert, and Memorial Day. I will also be accompanying my son and his class on their 8th grade class trip to Washington, D.C. during the last week of May. makes me tired just thinking about it!

Yes, it's a busy time. But it is also an opportunity to make so many memories with our children or grandchildren. I'm ready to dive 'bout you?
Is your calendar filling up too?
What are your plans?

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- Jill