
Monday, May 19, 2014

Decorating For A "Thank You" Dinner

Last week, our church held a dinner to say 'thank you' to everyone who serves in our church.....nursery workers, Sunday School teachers, ushers, and everyone in between. It was a sweet time of fellowship, encouragement, and prayer.
Hubster was on the committee that planned the dinner and I was asked to decorate the tables.

Since the entrée was lasagna, I tried to base the decorations a little bit on an Italian dinner theme. The tables were covered with red checked tablecloths a la Lady And The Tramp.
My sister-in-law and mother-in-law made favors that were a Volunteer's Survival Kit. They included cute little items with Bible verses to go with them that were placed in a white lunch bag and tied with red ribbon. 
The centerpieces were placed on white paper doilies and included a little grouping of three different things.

I found cans of crushed tomatoes with these great graphic labels at Save-A-Lot. I emptied them out (yes, I have lots of crushed tomatoes in my freezer now), and planted a tomato plant, parsley, and basil in each of them.

The second item was a mason jar with a photo in oil. If you're on Pinterest at all you've probably seen these. I've been waiting for just the right opportunity to try making them and I was happy with the way they turned out. I used photos of different folks who serve in our church and people seemed to enjoy looking around at the different photos.

The one pictured above is Hubster teaching Sunday a jar. Ha!  In the jar below is a picture of our church that I used on the food table.

The third item in the centerpiece cluster were these cute Italian sparkling lemonade bottles that I found at World Market. (Yes, my family drank all the lemonade!) When I saw them, I thought they would look good alongside the tomato cans. When I got home, I was actually amazed at how well the colors went together. I used faux flowers in them. I would've like to use fresh, but I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find what I wanted at the last minute. I knew I wouldn't have time on the day of the dinner to go running around looking for flowers so I just went with the fake ones. I actually found these at the Dollar Tree so they were a lot less expensive than what fresh would've been too.

For the main food table I used an inexpensive chalkboard I found at JoAnne's and did this embellished 'Thank You.'  I found this great example here and used it for my inspiration. Have to give credit where credit is due.
I flanked the chalkboard with the plants, flowers, and a photo jar.

It  really was a lovely dinner. A bunch of people worked hard to create an evening to bless those who serve faithfully and selflessly in our church. My contribution was only a small part. I enjoyed putting it all together. It's fun when you can up with a theme and just go with it.



  1. It was so charming and beautiful! You did a great job and heard from many people how nice it was (including from the "decorating committee") so you did awesome! Thanks for helping!!

  2. How cute!!! Now how did you actually do the mason jars? Are they empty with a photo on them?
    You are so creative!

    1. Karen, you put the photo in the jar and then fill it with vegetable oil. It gives the photos that kind of sepia look

  3. This is adorable!! Love the italian garden in a can. I'd have been right there with your gang drinking the that stuff! :) Very nicely put together, Jill.


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- Jill