
Thursday, May 15, 2014

I Am Enough

Enough. I've always thought that was a funny word. I mean, say it. It's funny, don't you think? And it's spelled weird too. I've been thinking about the word enough though.

Here's what I mean.....

When my teenager stomped out the door in the morning one more time because I'm "the meanest mom in the world," I thought, "Sometimes I don't think I am enough for this child." Or any of my children for that matter. I know beyond the shadow of a doubt because of the way God worked out every detail, that these kids were meant to be ours....but sometimes I just don't understand why He thought I would be the right mom for them.

Quite honestly though, there are a lot of times when I don't feel like enough.....but I am. Sometimes I just need to keep reminding myself of that.

When dinner is put on the table late or overdone.....I am enough.
When I hear, "but I don't like this"  one more time at the dinner table....I am enough.
When wet laundry is sitting in the washer for the second day....I am enough.
When the scale reads a number I, and the world, don't like....I am enough.
When I have to say no to one more thing I'm asked to do....I am enough.
When my teenager storms out the door again....I am enough.
When this little blog goes another whole week without a new guessed it.... 
I am enough.

The ironic thing is, that in the whole grand scheme of things....I really am NOT enough. I am a sinner. It is only because I am created in Christ's image and saved through His grace that I am enough.

I am a Dancing With The Stars fan....I admit it. But I loved what contestant Candace Cameron Bure said on Monday night's show. Let me paraphrase it for you....

I want to dance well. I want to please the judges and get a good score. But ultimately I am dancing for an audience of one and that's God.

I love that! I may not be dancing on TV (thank goodness!), but that applies to anything I do as well. The only thing that matters is what God thinks. And He sees me as "ENOUGH" through His Son. And His strength is made perfect in my weaknesses.



  1. I love this Jill and I love that quote from Candace. You are an awesome mom...and all kids, at some time, think they have the meanest mom in the world. :)

  2. Jill I am so blessed by this post, Yes, I am enough too! Thanks for sharing your heart.


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- Jill