
Saturday, May 24, 2014

A God Thing And A Movie Recommendation

Hey Everybody! I know I don't usually post anything on Saturdays, but I wanted to share something good before this holiday weekend gets away from me and also before I go out of town.

At the urging of the Hubster I took a little time yesterday to do something I would enjoy. I had been wanting to go see the movie Moms' Night Out since I saw the previews at another movie a few weeks ago. Fortunately, there was a showing early enough so I could be home in time after school and so I took off.

I want to tell you about this movie for a couple reasons, the first being that you probably have not seen or heard an advertisement for it.....probably because it's a Christian movie. I wouldn't have known about it had I not seen the preview.

I went hoping for a fun movie and a few laughs. I got that plus a lot more. I laughed, I cried, I was entertained, and I was blessed.

If I was a bit more creative, I think I could have written the script for this movie because I saw so much of my life in it. Do you remember my I Am Enough post from last week? Imagine my shock when, at the most poignant part of the movie, I heard my own words almost exactly being spoken on the screen. (It's an epidemic among women, I tell 'ya!) It was as if God placed those lines there just for me as if to say, "You know those words you wrote about being enough? Those were right on the mark."  A confirmation of sorts. I sat there in disbelief with tears streaming down my face.

Friends, that is ONLY a God thing!!

Take a look at the trailer....although it doesn't do this film justice.

I don't know how much longer the movie will be playing. It's been open since the beginning of May. So if you are a mom who has those harried moments at times (I mean, don't we all?), do yourself a favor. Grab your other mom friends, or your husband (it wouldn't be a terrible idea if he saw it), or go by yourself (I did!) and see Moms' Night Out!

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- Jill