
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fall In My Backyard

For a couple weeks now I've been thinking that when the leaves reach their peak in our back yard I wanted to share a photo with you. So I've been waiting. Our leaves seem to be a little behind this year. I guess that's because our weather didn't really get consistently chilly until a few days ago.

But when I heard that the weather report for the next day or so calls for a freeze warning along with a mix of rain and...<gasp>...SNOW, I though that maybe I should dig out the photos I took a couple years ago of our back yard. If you were paying attention, you may have noticed this photo back when I posted the recipe for Pie Filling Cobbler.....which sounds really good about now!

We are really blessed by God's beautiful paintbrush each Autumn.

I remember the first time we came to look at our house when we were house hunting. When we pulled in the driveway and stepped out of our car, we were met with the wonderful scent of pine. I don't notice it so much now....I guess because I live here....but that scent and the beautiful trees in the back yard were definitely a wonderful surprise and made an impression on me.

I have a feeling our leaves aren't going to reach their peak of color this year. Many will probably fall over the next couple days. I'm glad I have these photos to look at this year. Which makes me think....Have you taken pictures of the outside of your home and your yard? Those would probably be precious mementos for you children when they grow up.

By the way, our yard looks beautiful in the winter too. After a new snow, before the trees have a chance to shake all the snow off, it looks like a Winter Wonderland. I'll have to share photos of that when the time comes.
Today I'm off to the thrift store to hopefully find some items needed for Halloween costumes. I KNOW...I said I was hoping we were over the costume thing. But the kids actually came up with some cute ideas of what they wanted to dress as, so I was swayed. I have a hard time saying no to a creative project.
Have a GREAT day!

Today's Thankfulness....

(We had a special speaker in church on Sunday who talked about God's PROVISION, so that's been on my mind the last couple days.)

* For God's provision for a dear friend who underwent unexpected surgery yesterday.

* For financial provision God has provided in a very unexpected way
* That even though God never changes, His ways are often unexpected.

* For the beauty of Fall....however it beautiful color or in rain and snowflakes.

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- Jill