
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Kid's Bathroom Re-Do

Hello Everyone!

Today I'm going to share a little bathroom makeover we did just about a year ago. And by little I mean cosmetic changes only....except for the toilet, which is where this story begins.

So, out of necessity, we had to replace the toilet in our kid's bathroom. And you know how that thing leads to another, which leads to another, and so on, and so on, etc., etc....

Literally, while Hubster was replacing the toilet, I [sheepishly] said, "It's too bad that while you have the toilet out, we couldn't replace the flooring in here."


A few minutes went by and Hubs said, "If you go pick out the flooring and bring it home, I'll put it in."

(That's the sound of me high-tailing it out of the house before he had a chance to change his mind.)

I pretty much had it in my mind what I wanted. After all, I had been secretly contemplating this bathroom for a long time. I wanted to use vinyl planks since we had used them in your mudroom and were happy with them. Of course when I got to the home store, they didn't have the style I wanted. So it was either compromise and get a style that I didn't want or order it online and wait. I didn't want to wind up being unhappy, so we ordered online.

But why just wait when you could do something else? Like PAINT!

However, painting this room meant pulling off the lovely 80's rose print wallpaper. No problem, right?


Whoever had  wallpapered this room had not primed the walls first and had papered directly over new drywall.

I began to pull off wallpaper and with it came layers of drywall. It was horrible!   

Here are a couple more "during" photos. It gives you a little idea of what the wallpaper was like. Those are tiny little rosebuds and I forgot to mention there was also a border. And you can see the flooring samples I brought home.

You can also see the old flooring. It was vinyl and had some staining and gouges in it. It was not in great shape. 

This wound up being about five week project. Because of the wallpaper situation, we had to remud large parts of the walls....and sand....and patch.... and sand. It seemed never-ending.
Then came the painting, the flooring, and all the little things.

But the end result was worth it. Take a look!

Big change, huh?

I chose a dark wood vinyl planking for the floor. The beadboard was already there, we just repainted it. I chose a nice, bright turquoise color for the rest of the walls.

We replaced the single, old, plastic towel bar with two double towel bars with a satin nickel finish so everyone could have their own.

It took me a while to find the right shower curtain. As usual, I knew exactly what I wanted and had a hard time finding it. I finally splurged on this bold striped one from West Elm.

The light fixtures are inexpensive exterior barn lights from Lowes.

I made my own wall art using Photoshop Elements and some frames from WalMart.

I don't have a good picture of it, but I also repainted the old vanity and added turquoise glass knobs that I found at Hobby Lobby. The faucet was replaced with one with a matching satin nickel finish.

I looked around for a while before I found art for next to the sink. But I eventually found this word art at TJMaxx. I think it's the perfect thing for my kids to see every morning as they start their day.

So there you have it. A bathroom makeover that all started with a toilet.
**UPDATE:  The wall art I created for this room is now available as a free download. Just click here....

Today's thankfulness....

* For friends both far and near.

* For peace that we have that can only come from God

* For a God who hears our prayers and answers them

Have a great day!

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- Jill