
Friday, October 25, 2013

Four Things For Friday 10.25.13

Happy Friday!

Here are just a few thoughts that have been rolling around in my head.

1.) Did you hear me say I wanted to make Halloween costumes? Did I REALLY say that? I think it was a moment of insanity....truly. The problem is that when it comes to creative projects, I'm a perfectionist. No more, I tell you, NO MORE!!

2.) Okay, rant over. And speaking of Halloween....a friend shared a link on Facebook to this blog post about Halloween at TroubleFace Mom. I don't know what your feelings are about Halloween, but hopefully it will get you thinking about what an opportunity it actually is. I know it did for me. Tomorrow night our family will be heading to Trunk or Treat at our church to hand out candy and information about Jesus and our church to hundreds of neighborhood kids. Definitely an opportunity. 

3.) One of the benefits of me driving all over town to try and find items needed for said Halloween costumes the other day is that I found a little treasure. If you follow me on Facebook (and if you don't, WHY NOT?), you already saw this pretty ironstone pitcher I found at the Goodwill Store. The Goodwill Store!!! Can you believe it? With it's lovely wheat pattern, I think it's very Fall-ish, don't you?

4.) I'm starting to think about gift-giving. November and December are big celebration months around here and if I don't get some gift shopping done soon, I'm going to be scrambling big-time. My love language is gifts so I really do enjoy shopping to find just the right thing for someone. But my kids have gotten to that "hard to buy for" stage. I miss shopping for fun toys.

Well, I guess that's if for Friday. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Today's Thankfulness.....

* That the predicted October snow missed us. (There's still hope for our trees to hit their peak of color.)

* For a drama-free morning with the kiddos.

* For the opportunity to share my thoughts with you.

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- Jill