
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Moving Forward With A Clean Slate

Hello lovely readers! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and hopefully were able to enjoy an extended weekend.

We had a wonderful day! Grandma and Grandpa came over, we feasted on good food, played cards, and watched a movie. What a blessing!

Friday was a nice, relaxing day. No crazy Black Friday shopping for me! Nope! This girl stayed in her p.j.'s. All. Day. Long. Hubster did his job of putting the Christmas tree up and putting on all the lights. I spent most of the day removing all the pumpkins and signs of Fall....which left THIS.....
....a clean, neutral slate to welcome Christmas décor with! Hurray!!
Yesterday the kids were still off from school, so we had an extra bonus day at home. I spent a good bit of time trimming the tree. I also pulled a couple Christmas things out for the kitchen. It's a process for me. So things will start to take shape over the next few days.
I have a busy week ahead. Hubster's birthday is on Thursday. Then I will be preparing to celebrate our oldest son's (16th!) birthday with family this weekend. So that will include some cooking, cleaning, and shopping. I hope to get some Christmas spirit tossed about the house too. Because, as you can see, except for the tree, it's pretty boring in here right now. But it's good to have a clean slate to start with.
I'm excited to share this season with you! I have post ideas swirling around in my head.....kind of like visions of sugarplums. Hopefully next week I'll be sharing Christmas décor with you. I have a couple posts I want to share about Christmases when I was growing up. And I still haven't told you about the adventure that Hubster and I went on last week! I can't wait to share THAT story! Let's just say it involves the playroom.
So I hope you will choose to come hang out with me this Christmas season as we prepare to celebrate the greatest Gift given to this world!

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- Jill