
Monday, November 24, 2014

This And That And Giving Thanks

Time sure is flying, isn't it? Thanksgiving week is already upon us! I have a busy few days ahead, so I thought I'd better check in here with a post before the week gets away from me.
First up, a little update on my paperwhites.


 They are pretty amazing to watch actually. The bulbs look like they're just thrown into the dirt, but when you look more closely, you can see how strongly rooted they really are. They seem to grow every day. In a few short weeks, I should have beautiful blooms. I'm excited!

I'm also excited that my dear Hubster is taking a couple extra vacation days this week. We are going on a little adventure tomorrow that I'm looking forward to and Wednesday, we will be doing some preparations for Thanksgiving. Of course I'll be making my favorite sweet potato recipe. YUM!
And Friday the tree goes up! Yikes! And Saturday, we have a wedding to attend.
I also wanted to let you know that I'm trying to use Instagram a bit. I haven't gotten around to adding a link here yet, but you can follow me @ jillc12 if you'd like .

I have so much to be thankful for this year. God has been so faithful to me. I'm so grateful that in all the ups and downs of life that HE never changes.

I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving and that you are able to take time out of the busyness of the season to consider all you have to be thankful for.

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- Jill