
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The December Chalkboard Calendar: It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Yesterday I decided that since it was December 2nd, I'd better get started on the December calendar for the chalkboard. So in the morning, I erased November. And then I stood there and looked at the blank wall. And nothing came to me.

So I decided the best thing to do was to walk away and come back when I was feeling a bit more inspired. I really loved the December calendar from last year and I wanted to make this one special too.

When the boys came home from school the wall was still blank and they commented how "weird" it looked. As soon as everybody was settled in with a snack and doing homework, I tried again. I looked on my Chalkboard Love board on Pinterest for some inspiration. I tried to copy a couple things and it just wasn't working. I needed to do my own thing, all started to come together.

So I present to you.....the December chalkboard calendar.....

Happy December! It's the most WONDERFUL time of the year!

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- Jill