
Friday, March 14, 2014

Four Things For Friday 3.14.14

Good Friday Morning Everyone!

It's been kind of slim pickin's on the blog here lately, but if you've been dying to know what's on my mind, here are today's Four Things!

1.)  I have promised myself I will not write one more blog post that contains comments on Winter weather. (Thus, the quiet here.)  I'm done. The end.

2.) My sweet white tulips from last week are unfortunately also done. I've replaced them with some faux daffodils for the time being. As faux flowers go, these daffodils I got at WalMart ($3/bush) are pretty nice, I think.

(What do you think about the word "faux?" Is it really better than just calling something fake?")

3.) Our son who is wheelchair dependent has figured out that in June he will be old enough to get his temporary permit to drive. Help me, Lord! That will take a miracle on so many levels. But who am I to squash his dreams? ( He also wants to manage a professional baseball team, preferably the Cleveland Indians) In the meantime, Hubster has begun quizzing him on traffic laws. OY!
4.) Remember that old song.....
            Make new friends, but keep the old.
         One is silver, and the other gold.
Today, Mom, Sal, and I are having lunch with a couple dear old friends. Then tomorrow evening, we are having some new friends over for dinner. It should be fun!
I hope that whatever your plans are that you have a great weekend!

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- Jill