
Monday, March 10, 2014

Weekend, Sisters, And Another Favorite Blog

Sisters, Sisters.
There were never such devoted sisters.

My sister, Sal, and I used to sing that song (from White Christmas) when we were kids. I'm not so sure we meant it as much then as we do now. We argued and pulled each other's hair back then. But I'm so thankful that these days I am able to count her as one of my best friends in the whole world. 

My kids adore their Aunt Sal too. (Oh, and don't call her Aunt Sally. My Mom referred to her as Sally the other day and they were like, "HUH?") For a couple Christmases now their gift from Aunt Sal and her family has been some kind of party at her house. One year was a pizza-making party, but usually it's cookie-baking. Saturday was the day for this year's big party and the kids were so excited.

(Shhh, don't tell....i just totally stole these photos from her Facebook wall.)

And not only is this a gift for the kiddos, but Hubster and I get a few hours out of it for a date too. We got to go out for lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant and go browsing around an antique mall. (That Hubster, he knows the way to my heart!)

I've said it before and I'll never stop saying it....I am blessed.

Besides being an awesome sister and aunt, Sal is also a blogger. In fact, she's the one who encouraged me to start my own blog.

Sal blogs at Drinking From My Saucer ['Cause My Cup Has Overflowed]. She writes about all kinds of topics related to home and family. She shares stories, recipes, organizing and home tips, crafts, bargain shopping.....a little bit of everything.....all with wisdom and wit. 

I adore her and I know you will too. Stop by and tell her I sent you!
Hope you had a great weekend too!


  1. Precious pictures, precious memories!

  2. Awww, you beat me. I was rockin' babies this morning, and I didn't get my post up.... I'll get there eventually. Thanks for the love & the shout-out. Love you!


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- Jill