
Monday, February 3, 2014

Weekend Wrap-up And The February Chalkboard Calendar

Welcome to a new week....and a new month!

How was your weekend? Ours was busy and flew by way too fast!

Saturday, I attempted to conquer Mount Laundry. Between the suitcase of laundry I brought home from Florida and everybody else's clothes that I didn't get washed while I was gone, I feel like I'm still trying to catch up.

And then there's the dishes. Maybe it's because the kids have been home so much lately, but the loading and unloading of the dishwasher has seemed like a neverending cycle.

I did manage to get our February calendar done on the chalkboard though. And on time, no less.

Yesterday we had all our usual church activities. And in the afternoon we celebrated my sweet niece's 16th birthday. We're not hugely into the Super Bowl, but I did watch a little bit before turning over to Downton Abbey.

So that's pretty much my weekend in a nutshell. Were you able to accomplish any projects at your house? Or are you just trying to keep your head above water right now like me? (Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming.)  :D

I hope you will continue to join me this week on the blog. It's beginning to look a little Valentine-y around here. Just sayin'.

Have a great day everyone!

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- Jill