
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

An Easy Valentine Banner

Well, it's February and you know what that means. Valentine's Day is just around the corner.

If you're on Pinterest at all you've probably seen many, many cute Valentine's Day banners. I was particularly inspired by a banner I saw that was simply white heart doilies strung on baker's twine. But I decided that it would be best for me to make one that was a little more substantial and less likely to tear.

So I was on the lookout for some small felt hearts. Like those pretty cutout felt placemats.....only smaller. Usually I get something very specific like that stuck in my head and then why I try to find exactly what I'm looking luck! But while in Florida, we did a little shopping at JoAnn's I found EXACTLY what I was looking for. That never happens folks!

So all I used were the felt hearts (aren't they pretty?) and red and white baker's twine. The hearts came packaged as a mixture of red, pink, and white hearts so I had to buy several packages to get enough red. Oh well, someday I'll be glad I have pink and white hearts.

All I did was string the hearts on the twine, spreading them out evenly, and then I put slip knots on the ends for hanging, simple as that.

Here's a little sneak peak of what my banner looks like hung across our mantel. Come back tomorrow and I'll be sharing all the little touches I've added to help the house feel festive for this lovey-dovey month.


  1. What a fun banner! I LOVE that print on the mantel!

    Happy day to you friend!

  2. Thanks Karianne! I love that print too. I got it on über clearance at Hobby Lobby so I love it even more!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!
    Jill @ Still Keeping On The Narrow Way


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- Jill