
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Just Checking In

Good Morning!

Just checking in and making sure everyone is getting warmed up.

Our kids finally went back to school this morning. It was weird to see only a handful of closings after hundreds the last couple days. I thought there might possibly be a delayed start today so I had to check the list one more time.

We enjoyed our days at home with no pressure and no expectations to be anywhere. I feel badly for those who didn't have the option to just stay home and keep warm.

But now it's time to get back to our normal routine. After the kids left for school I looked around my house and, well, lets's just say you can tell we've all been home for a few days.

Today my plan is to get out a bit. I need to head to Joanne's to get some supplies for a little craft project. Not sure where else I will poke around, but I think it will be good to get out of the house. 

I heard on one of our TV station's teases yesterday that all this cold may mean an early Spring. I know they are just taunting me. They do call it a tease for a reason I guess.

I hope that if you are still in the throws of cold, snow, or ice that things will get back to normal for you soon.

Stay safe and warm!

1 comment:

  1. Have a blessed Day!Looking forward to what you are doing!>3


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- Jill