
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Paint The House Red: Valentine's Day Decor

When I showed you my heart banner yesterday, I teased you with a little peak at what I've done to spread some love around the house this month. Today I'm going to show you what I've done by just adding some touches of red here and there.

I have a lot of pictures to share, so I'm going to try and keep the words to a minimum.

You may have noticed that I have a new preserved boxwood wreath on the mantel. It's a bit larger and fuller that the old one. I scored that at Target for 50% off after Christmas. Woo hoo!!

I couldn't resist filling my Tom's jar with these jumbo marshmallows I found at the grocery store. They're GINORMOUS!

On top of the coffee table....

As you can see, things haven't changed too much from what I did in the living room in January.  All it took was adding some Valentine red!

Linking up to.....

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- Jill