
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Let's Get this Year Started....January Chalkboard Calendar

Well, today was the day. Our extended Christmas Break ended and the kiddos finally went back to school. The morning actually went better than I anticipated and nobody had to be drug out of bed. Ha!

Hubster thought it would be really funny to call our home phone from his cell phone around 6am just to see if we would all jump thinking there might be one more day off. He's such a jokester!

So we're already a week into 2014 and yesterday I finally got around to doing the January calendar for our chalkboard wall. I told you we were getting a slow start on this new year!

Yesterday afternoon I did some "re-working" in the living room. If I'm able to get some good photos today, I will share them tomorrow. If not, then hopefully next week.

Today I'm off to the grocery store. It's a good thing the weather is breaking....the refrigerator is kind of empty.

My daughter is on the jump rope team at school. This afternoon is their first performance. We've seen her practicing at home, but I can't wait to see the whole group in action.

I hope things are warming up a little bit where you live and that you're finally able to get your new year going too!

Have a great day!

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- Jill