
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Snow Days

See these backpacks?

They were all packed and ready to go back to school today. But alas, it just wasn't meant to be. At about 8 o'clock last night....right after I got finished making everyone's school lunch.... we got the call that our kids school would be closed again due to pipes that burst. And as it turns out, this morning our whole district was closed because of problems with several buses related to the cold temperatures.

I have to say that I'm actually kind of proud of myself. I am generally the mom who is VERY ready for the kids to return to school. And when I hear other moms talking about shedding tears over their kids going back to school, I just don't get it. No judgement.....we're all different. But I usually find myself on a bit of a guilt trip because of how I feel.

But we've survived this long break from school. My kids thrive on routine, but I guess we've kind of gotten used to this routine of very little routine. When it comes time to go back it will no doubt be difficult. May be that's why I was happy to get the "no school" call last night. Or it could be that I don't mind not getting up at 5:15am. 

So are some trivial facts about our extended Christmas break.

* We've done interesting cold weather science experiments. Like spraying Windex on the outside of our front door window (kids weren't impressed by the formation of crystals), blowing bubbles out our front door (they blew away before we could see if they froze), and the very popular throwing boiling water up in the air and watching it "snow." (This was actually very pun intended.)

* We put a sweatshirt on our dog. Hey, he looked cold.

(Sorry....blurry photo.)

* One of my children has worn pajamas about 16 out of the last 19 days. And I'm okay with that.

* We watched three deer go through our yard yesterday evening. Although we know they are around, we rarely see them so this was a surprise.

* The kids have watch Despicable Me 2 (received for Christmas) at least 5 times.

* I have been catching up on episodes of Parenthood online.

* We've eaten pretty much all of the Christmas candy we had. Except for a few candy canes that no one seems too interested in.

Isn't this Tom's jar my sister and her family gave me for Christmas cool? I kind of love it it. It WAS filled with all our Christmas candy at one point.

Wait a minute! Did I just say all the chocolate was gone???

That's it....everyone back to school!!!

I hope you're surviving too. Have a great day!

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- Jill