
Friday, January 10, 2014

We Interupt Your Regularly Scheduled Friday.... bring you....

Nope, photos of the living room today. I did a little more tweaking yesterday and so I didn't take pictures yet. Next week, I promise.

I decided that today I would take a little break from my usual Four Things For Friday, to introduce you to one of my favorite bloggers. If you've ever looked over at my sidebar over there on the right, you'll see that I've listed some of my favorite blogs. Over the next few weeks, I'd like to tell you a little bit about some of them and how they inspire me.

Today, I'd like you to meet Kelly from Talk Of The HouseKelly is a wife, mom, and school teacher and she blogs about all things related to beautiful houses. My favorite posts are the ones about her own warm and inviting southern home. She shares her creative ideas about decorating her home for the seasons, setting a beautiful themed table, entertaining ideas, and home styling.

Kelly also writes about favorite home designers and is a wealth of information regarding Inns and great places to visit and vacation. She obviously does her research. She also does hand-lettering and her talent can be seen on the various chalkboards around her house and often on creative favors she makes for her themed tables.

This week, Kelly has been sharing about how she has decorated her house for the new year.

So how does Kelly's blog inspire me? Well, one look at her lovely home, and I don't know how you couldn't be. But here are specific ways that I have been inspired and influenced....

* I've moved towards keeping my general decor neutral and changing accents and colors seasonally.

* Hand-lettering on our chalkboard wall . Kelly's tutorial on chalkboard lettering is priceless.

* I styled the open cabinets in our kitchen.

* I continue to try and make our home a warm and special place for our family and for guests who visit.

* I'm also inspired by the fact that Kelly only chooses beautiful and quality things for her home.

I really hope that you will stop by Talk Of The House and take a look around. Tell Kelly that I sent you! I can almost guarantee that you will spend a bit of time there. (Make sure you also take a look at Kelly's adorable classroom. It will make you wish you had been in her class.)

Have a great weekend!


1 comment:

  1. Good grief! What a lovely surprise to find this here on such a dreary rainy Friday! Thank you so very much for your VERY kind words. I am so happy that you find the things I put on the blog to be helpful. (And I love the title of this post..very cute!) Thank you again for sharing the blog love. You are too kind!


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- Jill