
Friday, November 15, 2013

Four Things For Friday 11.15.13

The weekend is almost here! Happy Friday!

Here are my rambling thoughts for this week....

1.) Earlier this week I shared my Thanksgiving table.  In the spirit of full  disclosure...and a couple laughs...I thought I would show you how the table looked before I decked it out for the holiday meal.

Just keepin' it real, folks. HA!

2.) Last night I went to three stores to get three specific things. None of them had what I needed to get. How frustrating is THAT? I could see maybe one store, but all three?

And on a side note....Don't you hate it when the make-up you use is discontinued? I was very happy with what I was using and now I have to find something new. I'm not a happy camper.

3.) In my life I have learned that the only way to overcome the feeling of the dread of something (like Hubster being away on a business trip most of next week) is through prayer.....and LOTS of it!

4.)  I love this guy!

Sugar the Wonderdoodle.

He is loyal, a constant companion, loves unconditionally, doesn't judge, and is a great listener (often better than some of the humans in our house.) Even his Grandma loves him.....which is saying A LOT. His standing in our home has been sometimes rocky, but God doesn't mistakes and he knew I needed this dog even more than the kids do. 

Today's Thankfulness....

* That my husband has a that he enjoys and is challenged by.

*  For sweet and supportive friends.

* That God knows what we need more than we know ourselves.

Have a great weekend everyone!!

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- Jill