
Monday, November 18, 2013

Comments: Pros and Cons

When I began this blog, I wanted to be able to share some of the creative ways I try to make our house a home. I hoped that readers would want to participate in conversations about topics I blogged about....that there would be more interaction....that I would meet new people.

I know that I haven't been at this blogging thing very long, but a girl can still hope.

So, to that end, I've made some decisions about comments on this blog. 

I initially set things up in a way that would prevent spam and anonymous comments. However, that meant anyone who commented had to be both registered and signed in to one of the available networks. For most of you, that probably would have been Google. 

I understand this can be an inconvenience when you just want to leave a quick comment and I want to make it as easy as possible for my readers.

So I've decided to open things up for anyone to comment. This will make it much easier for everyone.

Let me explain what you need to do.....

First, type your comment in the box, Then, where it says "choose profile", pick name/url. Enter your name. If you do not have a website or blog of your own, you can leave the URL box empty. Then just hit publish. Easy peasy!

Okay, here come the cons of these changes. 

First, as I said, this potentially leaves me open to spam and inappropriate commenters. So I've decided I will be moderating comments to prevent anything of this nature from reaching my readers. This is not meant to be censorship, because I would like there to be healthy discussion. But it will keep spam advertising and inappropriate content from reaching my readers and keep this a family-oriented blog. And for the record, I am not a fan of anonymous comments either.

I pay close attention to the blog, so comments will still be posted in a fairly timely manner.

Secondly, when you comment with only your name you do not leave an email for me to respond directly to you. I can only respond to you in the comments and you may or may not see it. If you would like for me to be able to respond directly to you, then registering with Google is probably the way to go. Please note that you also have to be signed in to your Google account to leave a comment this way.

Another option would be to include your email address in your comment.

Okay, I think that's it. If you ever have any questions, you can also email me by clicking on the Contact Me page.

If you would like to connect with me on social media, you can read about that HERE.

I hope to hear from you soon!

Today's Thankfulness....

* For a weekend to get things done around the house.

* For my Mom....and the chance to celebrate her birthday this weekend.

* For a son who doesn't complain about homework even when he doesn't really want to do it....especially on the weekend.

* For a family who is patient with me even when I am not so patient myself.


  1. Replies
    1. Jill @ Still Keeping On The Narrow WayNovember 18, 2013 at 4:15 PM

      Yeahhhhhh!!!! Glad you were finally able to leave a comment Dana! Thanks so much!

  2. So I've tried the 'signing in to Google' method and it worked! Glad to finally know how to comment. I've been an avid reader, even when I didn't know how to comment. Geesh - drag me kicking and screaming into the 21st century! :)

  3. Jill @ Still Keeping On The Narrow WayNovember 19, 2013 at 2:10 PM

    HOORAY!! Glad you're here! Better late than never. ;-)


I would love to hear from you! Please leave a comment.

Comments may be moderated so you may not see your comment immediately.

Thanks for stopping by!

- Jill