
Friday, November 1, 2013

Four Things For Friday 11.1.13

It's Friday already! Here are a few [very] random parting thoughts as we say good bye to this week.

1.) The mud room closet organization/makeover is still in progress. Here are a couple clues as to what's been going on this week and what's in store for next week.

2.) I'm just gonna go ahead and say it....I feel like I'm on pumpkin overload. We normally put our Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving. So I'm thinking that between now and then, I'm going to remove a pumpkin every day. That way, by the time it's time for the tree, the house will be de-Fallified. Do you think my family will notice? And it's not even that I'm trying to hurry Christmas along, I think I'm just ready to pare down a little before Thanksgiving arrives.


3.) Parenting is the hardest job. EVER. And that's all I have to say about that.

4.) Let me be the first to remind you that Saturday night is the night to set our clocks back.

"Spring FORWARD. Fall BACK."

On one hand, I'm glad for this. It is SO dark when my kids get on the bus each morning for school. A couple more weeks of some light will be nice as we race toward the shortest day of the year. On the other hand, the time change always messes with my children's sleep cycles.

Do you have any big plans this weekend. Not us. And I'm not ashamed to say that I'm kind of happy about that.

Have a great weekend!

Today's Thankfulness....

* For the strength to make it through another week.

* For a starry sky to gaze at as we waited for the school bus this morning.

* For a nice, quiet morning and the chance to just think.

1 comment:

  1. #1 re: pumpkins... You could corral them all in one place, like in a wire basket. That way they'd be seen, but not EVERYWHERE. LOL
    #2 you know what I always say: parenting IS the hardest job I've ever had, BUT it comes with the best benefits!
    #3 enjoy your quiet week (I hope it stays that way, and no need to be ashamed!) Ours will be quick as K is "wheels up" (thank you Josh Elliott) at 3:20 on Sunday for TX! =/


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- Jill