
Monday, November 4, 2013

This Month's Chalkboard: Welcome To November

Hello, Monday! And hello, November!


Friday, I spent part of my morning working on our November calendar for the chalkboard. I've realized that I really enjoy doing this every month (well, except for the getting up and down on a chair part). It allows me to express some creativity without taking a whole lot of my time. I'm already thinking about the December calendar too. Don't tell the Christmas Police though!

If you're really observant you'll notice that the 12th is highlighted in yellow. That's because my son has a birthday next week. We will be celebrating with family this Saturday though. So a lot of my week will be focused on that. I still need to finish shopping for his gift. Plus I will be cleaning up the house to prepare for guests. 

We have a couple other family birthday's this month. And of course there's Thanksgiving. Can't wait for that!

Is your November calendar filling up too? I'm determined to enjoy it and not let it all overwhelm me this year. The time flies so fast, I just want to savor it.

I will be continuing my daily thankfulness this month. Why not jump on the thankfulness bandwagon? It's not too late. If you don't have a blog, I've noticed several of my friends are doing daily thankfulness posts on Facebook. Even though we should be thankful EVERY day for all the blessings we've been given, it really is the perfect time to concentrate on it.

 I hope your week....and your November....are off to a great start!

Today's Thankfulness....

* For a great morning of worship yesterday, which included two precious babies being dedicated to the Lord.

* For the thoughtfulness of a friend.

* For a BEAUTIFUL sunrise this morning as we waited for the school bus.

*For a drama-free morning!

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- Jill