
Monday, September 9, 2013

WHOooo Doesn't Like A Good Deal?

Happy Monday, everyone! Hope you all had an enjoyable weekend!

The other day I needed to stop at Super WalMart for a few groceries. The good thing about Super WalMart is that if you dislike grocery shopping (like me), you still have the opportunity to browse through their Home section. So I was just about to make it through with my wallet unscathed when this guy caught my eye. A handsome owl lamp.

He was all alone....except for the rustic, brown owl lamp that looked like he belonged in a man cave. In my mind I had a conversation with myself (I'm not the only one who does that, right?) about how much I was willing to pay for him. I checked the price and he JUST made it. He was coming home with me!

But as I tried to find the perfect shade for him, I realized that something was not quite right. There was a piece missing that would hold the shade in place. DRAT!! And did I mention he was the only one left on the shelf? DOUBLE DRAT!!

I'm not one to shy away from broken things though. I will try to make ANYTHING work....much to the chagrin of the Hubster sometimes. And one of my favorite mottos is, "it doesn't hurt to ask." So I marched up to Customer Service with the lamp in my cart. I kindly explained the situation to the lady behind the counter. She said she could give me 10% off. Meh....not great, but better than nothing. But then when she marked it for me, she said, "I'll give it to you for $5 off." Yahoo! That was way better than 10%. We're talking WalMart here folks. It was not a hugely expensive lamp to begin with.

So the lamp went home with me....after I finished the grocery shopping. And I was a happy camper.

Once at home, I used some cardboard, tape, and super glue to fix things up.

And here's how he looks now with his new shade.

Doesn't he look stately guarding over our living room?

What bargain treasures have you found for your home?

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- Jill