
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What Does Your Home Say About You?

Have you ever really thought about it?  What does your home say about you and your family?  Maybe your home says you are a creative person and love beautiful things because your walls are full of art. Maybe your home says you value relationships because it is filled with photos of family and friends.

But what if we take it a step further?  I've heard it said, and I believe, that the organization of your home tells a lot about your personality and your life.

For example, I'm a "stuffer."  I tend to keep a lot of how I feel to myself until it builds up and I explode. I've had people who enter our home comment on how neat it is....especially with three children.  But heaven forbid someone opens a closet.  Who knows what they might see or what might fall out on top of them.   Or even worse, someone sees my basement! Yep, I'm a "stuffer" in my home too.

If you're a mom of small children, it's likely that at some times at least your home is a chaotic mess. And you probably often feel that way too. That your life will never have order again. I remember those days when I had three kids under the age of four. Chaos!  All. The. Time.  And quite honestly, at the beginning of each school year, I usually feel that way again. At least until we get settled into our routine. But all those papers and backpacks and papers....You know what I mean!  Chaos! <Sigh>  Having a clean kitchen counter all summer was glorious!

So what do you WANT your home to say about you?  And what will it take to get it to that point? 

Maybe, like me, one of the things you need to do is clean out some closets.  Or maybe it takes painting your main spaces a different color that makes them feel warmer and cozier. Maybe it takes addressing some things that have been broken for a while and need repair. Possibly adding some more personal accents like photographs or you kid's artwork.  Or it could take something simple like buying some fresh flowers or having music playing sometimes instead of the TV. 

But the first step is to really think about what's important to you and your family.  Then you can begin to make the changes, big or small, that may be needed to help your home have the feel that you want it to.

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- Jill