
Friday, September 6, 2013

Come Pin With Me

I set out this year to redefine my decorating style. My home was starting to look a little...well, tired. I wanted a more color, but I just wasn't sure how to add it. Most of all, I wanted it to be warm, welcoming, and a reflection of our family.

The advent of Pinterest has made finding your style so much easier. Certainly, it can be overwhelming, can rob you of contentment, and dare I say be a real time-sucker if you let it? But, I would say that if you USE it instead of being consumed by it, it can be really helpful. ( My Mom has always taught me, "moderation in all things.")

And if you see something that inspires you, you don't have to copy it exactly to get the look you want. There are usually one or two smaller elements in an inspirational photo that you can do in your own room to bring that style to it. Plus, you don't want to have a cookie cutter room. You want it to reflect the people who live there.

For example, I started to see a trend that I was pinning a lot of photos that had either a light yellow or aqua walls. But as much as I love both, I couldn't see my living room painted either of those colors. I have high ceilings and it would have been way too much for the room.

Instead, I chose to keep the room neutral and add those colors in with accessories. This will also give me the ability to change out some of my accessories with the seasons. For the summer, I've had all those yellow, aqua, and turquoise accents out. But soon I will be changing out the aqua for more orange with the yellow for Fall. And then from December through February, that will get all switched out for reds.


So do you pin? How do use Pinterest? Do you let it inspire you to make your life better in some making healthier meals for your family, making your home a haven, or helping you create memories for you kids? I would love to hear about it!


  1. I do pin and I'm a little addicted to it. I am trying to cut down though, because I tend to pin and then never actually do the projects. And then it's just called wasting time :)

    BTW, Sally sent me over this way. I just read every single one of your posts and pinned your chalkboard wall. So let's see if I ever actually make one of those.

  2. Welcome to blogland Jill, My name is Sue so nice to meet you, I haven't started pinning yet, and am hoping to start real soon. Your pins are lovely. Thanks for sharing.


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- Jill