
Friday, October 3, 2014

Beauty To Share

The other day I made a trip to Trader Joe's. I love Trader Joe's. Do you? I have a weakness for their frozen food aisle.

Unfortunately, the closest store to me is about a half hour away. Every once in a while I get the urge to make the trip up there though. Another perk of going to this particular store are the beautiful flower beds and containers gracing the shopping center that it is in.

Even though Fall has arrived, I was fortunate enough to catch their Summer flowers before they are spent. I don't know how they are able to keep them looking this good for so long. The only sign of Fall were the dried hydrangeas.

This was a creative display. All the different plants are planted in little "pockets" on a wooden frame. I loved all the little houses.

Trader Joe's own pumpkin displays outside the store looked lovely too.




All the colors were just stunning and I wanted to share them with you. Have a great weekend!

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- Jill