
Monday, October 6, 2014

A Playroom Update

Good Monday morning everyone! I hope you had a great weekend!

Ours was....I'm tired of saying "busy," so I'm going to say "full."

It actually started on Friday when Hubster took a day off from work to help won't even believe it....PAINT THE PLAYROOM!!!!  Hooray!!

We worked hard on Friday. Hubster continued to work like a dog on Saturday while I went and watched our daughter run in her cross country meet.

Sunday morning we had our normal church activities. After church we celebrated this guy's Gotcha Day. It's been fourteen years! FOURTEEN! I can still remember the excitement mixed with panic when they first placed him in my arms in that Kolkata hotel room and I became his Mom. He has come such a long way since then. And my, how the time flies!

(He loved that Dad picked him up a crown at Burger King. He wore it until he went to bed last night.)

So back to the playroom.....
I thought I would give you a little update about what was accomplished over the weekend.


First, we had to finish cleaning the room out a little bit. Then we got to the painting (SW Sea Salt. You can read my process in choosing this color HERE and HERE.)

As you can see, we also took a big step (for us) and painted the doors "black."  The color is actually a very, very deep brown, Fired Earth by Valspar.

It took a little convincing for Hubster to see the vision, but we're both really happy with how they turned out. There are three doors....our front entry door (which hardly gets used), a bedroom door, and this coat closet door. On Friday, we also went out to Lowe's and purchased a new door for the closet. The original door didn't match the others, plus it had been painted over a couple times and wasn't in the greatest shape.
Here are the before and after photos.....

On Saturday, Hubster finished painting the trim, cleaned the carpet, and put together the IKEA Kallax shelves that I purchased back in June. I told you he worked like a dog!

I can't wait to fill up these cubbies and make them look pretty.
I found this wall art at Hobby Lobby a while back at 50% off. I thought the cheerful colors would be perfect for this room. Plus, the kids love maps so it's perfect.

Obviously, we still have some projects head of us. I'm thinking about what kind of window treatments I would like. And in the meantime, we are seriously considering replacing the windows in this room. There is a crack in one that has been there since we moved in (eleven years ago this month!) So hopefully we will get that taken care of before the weather gets too cold as it does cause a bit of a draft in the room.
Plus, I'm still in negotiations with Hubster about a new couch and chair, so we'll see. The ones we currently have are still pretty sturdy. They were handed down form my in-laws, but we've had them going on twenty years and between three kids and a dog, they have seen better days. And I'm a little over the country blue plaid, you know what I mean? 
So there's still a list of things to do before we can call this room "DONE," but I finally feel like we've made some progress.

1 comment:

  1. Looks nice....and it is coming along. I know what you mean about the country blue plaid :)
    The doors are awesome !


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- Jill