
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Transitioning To Fall

Whether we like it or not, Fall will soon be upon us. I'm not trying to hurry it along or anything, but I was just ready for a little change around here. And I'm not ready for colored leaves and pumpkins quite yet. There will be plenty of time for that.
I'm calling this "Transitional Fall" décor.

It started with this chalkboard-look print that I found at Hobby Lobby for 50% off. "Count Your Blessings"....I thought that would be perfect for Fall, all the way through Thanksgiving.
I layered it over my window pane and hung it with some burlap ribbon.


At Hobby Lobby I also found these Fall flameless pillars to put in my lanterns. I'm still on the lookout for a couple simple, black pillar holders to lift the candles up a bit. They're a little short.

The wood stove was ready for something a little less Summer-y too. I pulled my black and white dishes back out along with these transfer ware teacups I found at Goodwill during the Summer to make a pretty vignette.

Meanwhile, over on the coffee little owl friend was ready to make an appearance. He makes me smile.
As an aside, I love having a tray (or large plate in this case) on the coffee table to corral the TV remote. Then I am able to find it at least half of the time. Ha! 

So there you go....a little Transitional Fall décor. Nothing overtly Fall....the leaves and pumpkins will make their appearance in due time....just a little more warm and cozy.

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- Jill