
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September Chalkboard Calendar Update

Hey Everybody! I hope you all had a great Labor Day Weekend! Did the weekend fly by, or was it just me? Our weekend was full of family get togethers, church, and just hanging around home (recuperating from our first week of school, I think.)
I found some time on September 1st to get the monthly calendar up on the chalkboard.
That meant erasing our Summer List. It was bittersweet....looking back at all the fun memories we made but knowing that it's time to move on to something new.
We did pretty well with our list this year.

But now September is upon us. The month is filling up already with cross country meets, our annual "camp" weekend with Hubster's family, a Fall church picnic, hopefully painting the playroom (PLEASE can we get the playroom painted already?!?), and I'm sure more than I can remember at the moment.
It's that time of year when we get back into a routine, yet there's a lot of NEW too. How about you? Are you holding on to the last fragments of Summer or you moving full speed ahead to whatever is in store for you?


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- Jill