
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fall Home Tour

Fall is officially here and the house is decked out in its Autumn glory! I love bringing these colors into my home for the season.

C'mon in and I'll show you around. Someone is taking a little nap, but he won't mind if you come in. Despite how it looks, he LOVES having guests.

Let's head into the kitchen first. I tried to tone down the orange this year, but I just couldn't help myself in the kitchen. I love using these preserved leaves.



Some mums in a basket for the table. They are a really inexpensive way to decorate the table for the season.

And some more mums grace the dresser.


I loved these green pumpkins that I found at Michael's.


As usual, I kept the hearth area simple.

I gave this guy some leaves to play in.

(Looks like someone decided to move to a more comfy spot.)

Well, that's about it. I hope you enjoyed our little tour! Next week I'll have some porch décor for you. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Sneak Peek....And A Winner!

Good Morning!

I just wanted to pop in announce the winner of the Mom's Night Out DVD. Thanks to the faithful readers who left comments!

Congratulations to Sandra who left a comment on Facebook! I hope you enjoy the movie!

I have been busy Fall-ifying the house! I will share photos later in the week, but I thought I would give you just a little sneak peek.

I am going to putter around my house a bit more today and then I am off to another cross country meet this afternoon to see my daughter run. Have a great day everybody!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Hello Friday! (And a GIVEAWAY!!)

******This giveaway has now ended.******

Hello Everyone.....and HELLO FRIDAY!!

I'm still here even though I've been quiet. It's kind of been "one of those weeks." And you know that saying...."If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all?" Yep.

In case you're wondering, the playroom still looks like THIS....paint samples on the walls and all. So I'm just going to move on for now and try not to think about how I hoped it would all be done before November.

So what am I doing today you ask? Well, today is the day to finally start breaking out a little Fall around here. But first, I made myself clean a bit in preparation. Not my favorite thing to do, how about you?

As I was working this morning, I had to laugh. I remembered how when I was growing up and it was FINALLY time to put up all the Christmas decorations, I would be so excited. We would get out all the boxes, and then......SCREEEEEECH.....all the fun would come to a grinding halt until every flat surface was dusted and vacuumed first. My Mom taught me well. Although I really don't like to do the cleaning part, I refuse to put out all the pretty stuff on top of a mess.

Hopefully I will have some pictures for you next week. In the mean time, if you need some Fall-ish inspiration there a couple great home tours going on this week.

Laura from Finding Home is hosting her Finding Fall home tour again this year.

Another tour is taking place over at Eclectically Vintage.

That should keep you inspired for a while.


Okay, I've come to the end of this post and on a whim I have decided to give away a copy of Mom's Night Out on DVD.....because, well, I could use a Mom's night out.  (You can read my thoughts about this movie HERE.)

So here's the deal....leave me a comment, either here on the blog (make sure I can email you back) or on my Facebook page. Anyone who leaves a comment between now and midnight on Monday, September 22, 2014 will be entered in a random drawing to win the DVD. The drawing will be held and the winner will be notified on Tuesday, September 23rd. Tell your friends!

(There will be one winner, no substitution of prizes, results are final, blah, blah, blah!)

Good luck and have a great weekend!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Four Things For Friday 9.12.14

Happy Friday!!

Here are some things that have been rolling around in my mind over the last few days......

1.) Cross Country.

My daughter is running on her middle school cross country team this year. This is a whole new world for us in so many ways.

I am NOT athletic in any way....just ask my family. However I do love sports. My dream was always to be a mom. And I always thought I would be the mom who was at all her kid's sporting events, cheering them on. Obviously, God had different plans and our family was created through the adoption of kids with special needs. I've learned to cheer them on in other, [much more important] areas.

But THIS YEAR my daughter is running and we have been thrown knee-deep into the world of school sports. And I find that my mind is in a constant whirl of thoughts related to cross country and it's effects on our family.

* When is the next meet? * Is the uniform clean? * Is it going to rain? * What time will dear daughter be home? * Does she have homework? * Will the course be wheelchair-friendly? Will Hubster be able to leave work in time to be at a meet? What am I going to make for dinner and when will we eat it? Etc., etc.

We are having a good time and I LOVE going to the meets, but I just had no idea how much it would consume my mind.

2.) Yesterday I was at Target and found all these goodies!

Burlap, and banners, and chalkboard tags....OH MY!! You KNOW how much I like chalkboards, right?  I already have ideas floating around in my head for some of these items. But I also like having things like this in my "stash" to pull out whenever I'm feeling a creative whim.

3.) Last week I entered the 21st century and got my first smart phone. Yep, I was just a little behind. (No offense to those family members who like their un-smart phones.)

4.) Not that I didn't know this before, but God sure knows what He's doing. The whole four seasons idea is a good one. We are such fickle and discontented people. When it's cold, we can't wait for hot. When it's hot, we long for cold. But God is so good to us. Just when we think we can't handle any more heat, He sends Fall our way....His gift to us.

"My children, you are so silly, but I love you anyways. Here you go!"

I'm looking forward to a little sweatshirt weather this weekend. Remind me in the middle of Winter how much I wanted cooler temperatures, okay?

I hope you have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Transitioning To Fall

Whether we like it or not, Fall will soon be upon us. I'm not trying to hurry it along or anything, but I was just ready for a little change around here. And I'm not ready for colored leaves and pumpkins quite yet. There will be plenty of time for that.
I'm calling this "Transitional Fall" décor.

It started with this chalkboard-look print that I found at Hobby Lobby for 50% off. "Count Your Blessings"....I thought that would be perfect for Fall, all the way through Thanksgiving.
I layered it over my window pane and hung it with some burlap ribbon.


At Hobby Lobby I also found these Fall flameless pillars to put in my lanterns. I'm still on the lookout for a couple simple, black pillar holders to lift the candles up a bit. They're a little short.

The wood stove was ready for something a little less Summer-y too. I pulled my black and white dishes back out along with these transfer ware teacups I found at Goodwill during the Summer to make a pretty vignette.

Meanwhile, over on the coffee little owl friend was ready to make an appearance. He makes me smile.
As an aside, I love having a tray (or large plate in this case) on the coffee table to corral the TV remote. Then I am able to find it at least half of the time. Ha! 

So there you go....a little Transitional Fall décor. Nothing overtly Fall....the leaves and pumpkins will make their appearance in due time....just a little more warm and cozy.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September Chalkboard Calendar Update

Hey Everybody! I hope you all had a great Labor Day Weekend! Did the weekend fly by, or was it just me? Our weekend was full of family get togethers, church, and just hanging around home (recuperating from our first week of school, I think.)
I found some time on September 1st to get the monthly calendar up on the chalkboard.
That meant erasing our Summer List. It was bittersweet....looking back at all the fun memories we made but knowing that it's time to move on to something new.
We did pretty well with our list this year.

But now September is upon us. The month is filling up already with cross country meets, our annual "camp" weekend with Hubster's family, a Fall church picnic, hopefully painting the playroom (PLEASE can we get the playroom painted already?!?), and I'm sure more than I can remember at the moment.
It's that time of year when we get back into a routine, yet there's a lot of NEW too. How about you? Are you holding on to the last fragments of Summer or you moving full speed ahead to whatever is in store for you?