
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

What I'm Pinning Lately {Screened Porches}

I've been on Pinterest again! I notice that I kind of get stuck on a couple things that I find myself pinning for a while. Do you do that too, or do you just pin randomly?

We have a nice deck. But honestly, we don't use it. Mostly because I don't like creepy crawly things. We don't have great deck furniture either, so I've never spent any time trying to make it nice or comfortable. I have this 'someday' plan of screening in the deck. I keep telling myself that we would use it more that way. So lately I've been dreaming of and pinning beautiful screened porches.

Here are some of my favorites.

This first one is from a popular Southern Living Cottage Of The Year. I love the fireplace, the door (which leads to a guest house), and the wicker. It looks so charming and relaxing. Wouldn't a fireplace be great to have on your porch for those cool Spring and Fall evenings?

I really love everything about this porch.....the style, the colors, the pretty! I can just see myself enjoying a quiet breakfast there in the Summer. And check out that framed flat screen TV!


If I ever have a screened porch, I would like to be able to have both a seating area and a dining area. Look at this lovely porch. I love the long wood dining table paired with the metal industrial chairs. What a great setting for large family dinners. The trim and detail are so pretty too. You even get a peek at some exposed brick.
One of my all-time favorite porches belongs to Kelly at Talk Of The House. She always keeps it looking so lovely and all decked out for the different seasons. Living in the South, she and her family get to use their porch almost year round. Lucky them! You can read all about the evolution of Kelly's porch HERE and HERE.

If you'd like, you can take a look at all the other porches that I've pinned too.

So what have you been pinning over on Pinterest lately? Do you have a porch that you get to enjoy in the Summer? Or do you just dream of one like me?

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- Jill