
Friday, June 13, 2014

A Little Summer Decor

I come bearing lots of photos today!

After a class trip, a funeral, and all kinds of end-of-the-school-year activities, I finally got around to "Summerfying" a little bit around here. I was starting to get a little concerned that July 4th might come and go before I got to it.

It all started with this Katie Daisy canvas that I found on mega clearance at Target back in the Fall.

(Remember these little fellas? )

Some bright sunshine-y pillows.

A little lemonade, perhaps?

Some color, some greenery, and a sweet print by The Nester (a birthday gift from my sister) that says, "It Doesn't have To Be Perfect To Be Beautiful."

I tried to keep things colorful and light.

Summer is in full-swing at our house. How about yours?

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- Jill