
Monday, June 2, 2014


I'm BA-ACK!!

My son and I returned Friday evening from a four-day trip with his eighth-grade class to Washington, DC. Despite a lot of rain and problems with the wheelchair lift on our bus (which my son needs), we had a great time.

It had been several years since I had been to Washington for an extended time and was able to see a lot. Our days were packed with visits to various museums, monuments, and memorials.

I was reminded over and over of the great contributions and sacrifices that men and women have made throughout our country's history to protect and defend our freedoms.

Never so much as on our visit to Arlington Cemetery though (someplace I hadn't been before.) It was sobering to think of the number of lives that have been lost in the defense of our country.

The morning after our return, we received a sad call that Hubster's Grandma had passed away. She had been in declining health for the last few months and took a turn for the worse while I was gone.
She was the one of the sweetest, positive, and  most cheerful people I've ever known. She loved the Lord and she loved her family. She also loved to cook and often overdid it on holidays.....much to the rest of the family's enjoyment. The last time we visited with her was on Mother's Day. Despite how she may have felt, she never complained. She was in good spirits and was sitting up in a chair watching Food Network.....typical Grandma. She was also known in the family as "The Sticker Queen" because on every card she ever gave any of us for birthdays or Christmas there were always several decorative stickers on both the envelope and card.....along with a special Bible verse.
This morning as I was thinking about Grandma, I remembered that a few years ago as she began thinking about the possibility of moving out of her own home, she gathered all of her granddaughters and granddaughter-in-love (that's ME) together and let us each pick out a cup and saucer from her teacup collection. I decided to get out the beautiful cup and saucer and use it for some tea this morning to remember Grandma.
We will say goodbye to her on this earth later in the week, and we will miss her, but her influence on us all will never be forgotten.

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- Jill