
Thursday, February 27, 2014

New Treasures

I have a couple new little treasures to show you today!

These beauties arrived in the mail yesterday. (Sorry for the lousy photo. I was excited.)  They were my very first Etsy purchase. The pattern is called Strawberry Hill and they were made by Syracuse China, a big maker of restaurant china. When I saw them, I knew that they would be great for my Christmas and Valentine's decor. Unfortunately they were a little late for this year, but just wait until next year!

I found this particular Etsy seller through the Mustard Seed Pages. Do you know Miss Mustard Seed? If not, you need to rush right over there and check out her beautiful blog! She just recently set up the Mustard Seed Pages to help bring together people who are looking to buy and sell beautiful things.

Then yesterday, I decided to stop in at the Goodwill Store....the same store where I found my first piece of ironstone. I didn't have big hopes. I mean, what are the chances? But what do 'ya know, I found another pretty ironstone pitcher! I couldn't believe it!

This one has, what looks to me, as a cherry blossom pattern. I need to do a little more research, but in the quick image search I did, I didn't find anything with the exact pattern. 

**UPDATE: After a little more searching I have learned that the style of this pitcher is called Forget-me-not.**

It's no secret that I like to decorate with pretty dishes. I love it when I can find little treasures here and there to do that.....especially when you can get things really inexpensively.

Have you found any new treasures lately? 

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- Jill