
Friday, February 28, 2014

Four Things For Friday 2.28.14

Hello Friday!!

Again this week I've gathered a few of my thoughts in one place. And this is the last Four Things For Friday for February. (Say THAT ten times fast!)

1.) I think I probably mentioned already that due to snow days, holidays, and teacher in-service days this was going to be the kids first full week of school since before Christmas. We got through the first half of the week without too much problem. But as expected, by yesterday things got pretty difficult in the morning. One particular child had a really hard time getting up and if he was getting up, he was determined to wear his pajamas to school. Oh the joys of having a child with a six-year-old mind trapped in a 14-year-old's body. It can be so frustrating....for all of us. But honestly, who can blame the kiddo for wanting to stay cozy in his jammies when there are sub-zero temperatures outside? 

2.) This week my oldest son has been able to listen to some Spring Training games on his iPad. I didn't realize how much I missed hearing the sound of baseball coming from his room. Silly, but it felt familiar....and hopeful....and is just another reason why Winter can be hard for some, I guess.

3.) This week I have been super thankful for, friends, teachers, youth leaders....who get our kids, or at least try. We've encountered people in the past who didn't and I'm sure we will in the future as well. But for right now we are blessed to be surrounded by so many people who have taken the time to get to know our kids and accept them just as they are.

4.) Okay, file this under useless, yet interesting information.....well, at least if you're a Downton Abbey fan like me. I was watching TV a couple evenings ago and saw a commercial for the new Liam Neeson movie, Non-Stop and I thought I saw somebody familiar. Last night when the commercial came on, I payed closer attention. Sure enough, Lady Mary is on that airplane with Liam Neeson! I Googled the trailer this morning and it's kind of funny to see Michelle Dockery who plays Lady Mary in a modern-day action/adventure movie. I had to smile though, because she still had that chronically concerned look on her face. But I suppose I would too if I was on a plane with Liam and it was being highjacked.

That's it for this week. Have a great weekend everybody!

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- Jill