
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Peace On Earth: Mama's Killer Pizza Pasta

'Tis the season for bloggers to be posting their favorite holiday and party recipes. But in the spirit of "Peace On Earth," I thought that this month I would share some of our family's favorite everyday dinner recipes.

We've already established that we have a couple picky eaters in our house and these are recipes that everyone will eat. Thus, peace on earth.....or at least at our house....because I don't have to hear things such as....

     Do I have to eat it?

     Can I just have jelly instead?

     But I like Grandma's better.

Also, I am all about SIMPLE, folks. The fewer ingredients and the less amount of prep time, the better. I don't know about you, but my December calendar is pretty full and my "to do" list keeps getting longer. Can't we all use a little bit more simple at this time of year for getting dinner on the table?

So first up, I present to you my own creation.....Mama's Killer Pizza Pasta! This is definitely a favorite around here. People have actually been known to cheer when they find out we're having this for dinner.


First, here are the ingredients you'll need. We have a thing for bowtie (Farfalle) pasta around here. The kids call them butterflies.

You can use whatever type of pizza sauce you like. I just get whatever is cheapest.

But please use real Parmesan cheese....not the powder. You'll thank me later. :D

You do need to pre-cook the pasta.


And cut up the pepperoni a little bit.

And then you just basically layer everything like you would for a lasagna. Since the pasta is cooked, you just have to let this bake to get it all hot and melty.

And....voila.....Pizza Pasta!

As Rachel would say....YUM-O!

Here's the recipe for you. I hope you enjoy this dish and that maybe it brings a little peace to your dinner table during this busy time of the year.

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- Jill