
Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas Traditions At Our House: The Music

Over the next few weeks I want to give you a little peek inside our house at Christmastime and share some of our special traditions with you. Today, it's all about the music of Christmas.

I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that the first bit of Christmas to show up in our home each year is the music. Music, Christmas or otherwise, has a way of evoking memories like nothing else. The music of Christmas has always been part of our tradition and so I thought I would share some of our favorites with you. Maybe they'll be old favorites of yours too, or maybe you'll discover something new.

This list is not in order of my favorites, but more a chronological list of the Christmas music I've loved during my life.

These days with iTunes, Pandora, and radio stations that start playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving, we have unlimited access to it. But back in the day, Dad would dig out the Christmas albums from the bottom of the pile and would put a stack on the record player we had "inherited" from my Grandpa when he upgraded to a "fancy" stereo.

Here are a couple of the favorites I remember from when I was growing up.

This is the gold standard as far as I'm concerned. It is full of classics and has withstood the test of time. And who doesn't love being able to sing "Merry Christmas" in Hawaiian?

"Must Be Santa" is one of my favorites that you don't hear too much. This album also introduced me to "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus"....the song that confuses all children at Christmas.

3.) Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Soundtrack

When I was in about first grade, a boy in my class whose father worked for a record company brought in a copy of the Rudolph soundtrack for everyone in the class. It probably was the first album I ever had that was "mine." It really is a classic. I mean, who doesn't love Burl Ives, Rudolph, Santa, and the misfit toys?

I'm pretty sure this was the first Christian Christmas album my parents bought. We played it over and over. I was sure I sounded just like Evie.

Another one we listened to again and again. (And yes, I thought I sounded just like Sandi Patty too.)

As time went by and I went away to college, I began to find some of my own favorites.

Although Amy later released a couple other Christmas albums, her first is still my favorite. I was amazed to read recently that she was only 22 when she recorded this album. Her voice hasn't changed a bit over the years.

A true original!

I always felt like this one was like listening to a Christmas cantata. It has new and traditional songs that are woven together through the whole recording.

You wouldn't necessarily think this would be a good one, but it really is. Lots of good choral and orchestra here.

And in more recent years, a couple of our favorites have been....

This truly is one of my all time favorites. In fact, this is the one we put on while decorating the tree every year.

I confess I don't own this, but I've heard enough of it on Pandora to recommend it. 
Around the time this was released last year, I heard an interview with Michael Bublé where he said this was the only Christmas album he was ever going to make. When asked why, he said that if a Christmas album was good, it would stand the test of time and become a classic (See #1 !)....and therefore there would be no need to make another one.  I liked that answer and I think he's right.

Now I would be remiss if I didn't share some of our kid's favorites.

Both of these are just a lot of fun for kids....and adults too!

So there you have list of great Christmas recordings.

Still need to get into the Christmas spirit? Turn on some Holiday music and I'm sure you'll be singing along in no time!

I'll leave you with a question. What is your favorite Christmas album of all time? You can leave your answer in the comments. I would love to learn about something new to add to our repertoire.

*** For the record, I have no affiliation whatsoever with Amazon. Just wanted you to be able to find out more information if you were so inclined. ***

1 comment:

  1. My favorite 'classic' is actually a collection of classics called Time-Life Christmas Treasury that they released back in the 90s. It's a 2-album collection of all the great stuff that was played on the radio when we were growing up. My current favorite is Casting Crowns Peace on Earth. This album is spectacular! Makes my heart soar.


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- Jill