
Friday, November 29, 2013

Four Things For Friday 11.29.13

Hello everyone and welcome to the post-Thanksgiving edition of Four Things For Friday!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! 

Here we go...

1.) What a blessing to be able to spend time with family yesterday. We had a delicious meal with Hubster's family. By the way, the Cheesy Onion Casserole was a hit....really yummy. Later, we had time to head over to Sal's house for some pie and coffee. Circumstances we know of lately in different friends and acquaintances lives have reminded me about the importance of embracing every moment to be together as family and to not take any time for granted. It is so great to be able to have a day without distractions and other commitments to be able to just be together. I'm really grateful for those who work in service occupations such as police, firefighters, and hospital employees. I've been there and it is a huge sacrifice to be away from your family on these special days.

2.) Playing board games with your family is one of the best things ever! We did it with both parts of our family yesterday. In both cases, it brought together three generations to have some fun. There is nothing like playing a raucous game of Scattergories with your family! Memories were made, for sure.

3.) Today is the day we put up the Christmas tree at our house! Yeah! 
Here is a "before" picture of our Christmas tree spot. I promise I will show you the "after" next week.

(Really bad, early morning, non-edited "before" sorry!)

4.) I am really excited to blog through this Christmas season. I have a lot of plans going through my head of projects, recipes, and traditions that I want to share with you. I hope you will join me....and maybe even tell a friend.

Well, that's it for this week. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. That game-playing sessions was THE BEST. Haven't laughed that hard in a long time!!


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- Jill