
Friday, November 22, 2013

Four Things For Friday 11.22.13

Hello and Happy Friday!

Here are some little snippets for today.

1.) I confess that I've been leaving the closet doors open.

2.) I have a little sick one home with me today. She's feeling pretty stuffy. Tis the season, I guess. Time to break out the Airborn and zinc tablets. I don't want us all to be sick for Thanksgiving! Do you use any kind of remedies or supplements to ward off germs?

3.) Only three days of school for the kiddos next week and then a five day break. I think we all could use a little breather from school. I know I'm looking forward to it. My poor 8th grader will probably have homework though. That seems to be the way it is this year.

4.) Have you seen this Onion Casserole recipe floating around on Pinterest? I've decided to make this to take for Thanksgiving. I love French Onion Soup, so this sounds really good to me. I know it won't appeal to everyone, but I think there are enough onion lovers in the group. Are you trying any new recipes for your Thanksgiving meal this year?

Hope you have a happy weekend!

Today's Thankfulness.....

* That I can be a stay-at-home mom and be here when my kids are sick.

* That Hubster arrived home safely last night!!  (Woo hoo!)

* For laughter.

* For new friends.

1 comment:

  1. Several of my friends are big Airborne fans. I don't mind it, but my 'go to' when I feel the sniffles coming on is to up my Vitamin C (I like chewables) to 1000 mg twice a day AND start drinking Gypsy Cold Care tea from Traditional Medicinals. It's a very soothing herbal tea packed with good stuff like elder flower, yarrow, peppermint and rose hips. You can find it in the organic food section of your grocery store. Hope our girl is feeling better soon and you stay well.


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- Jill