
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Christmas Trees And A Great Blessing

I have some pretty Christmas eye candy for you to look at today. But first I want to share with you something that has been a huge blessing in our lives.

We often take it for granted, but we have a wonderful asset in our community and that is our Children's Hospital. All three of our kids have received treatment there at different times and continue to see specialists there. Little did we know when we adopted three children from India that we would need their services so much.

Our Children's Hospital treats children from all over the region, but is located right in our back yard and we are really grateful.

For many years now the hospital's big fund raiser for the year has been a Holiday Tree Festival. Individuals and business donate beautifully decorated trees, wreaths, and other decorations that are then for sale. There are also raffles for large prize packages.

The tree festival is always held during the week of Thanksgiving and yesterday I took a little trip downtown to see this years trees.

 Here's a little sampling. The Christmas trees range from the very traditional, to elegant, cute, whimsical, and just plain fun trees. The traditional red and green ones are still my favorites.

Here are a couple close-ups of some of the details. I loved that reindeer in his cable knit sweater!

This was my favorite "non-traditionally colored" tree. The blue, green, and silver were just stunning.

This tree was one of my favorites. Just about all the decorations were made from burlap.....even the pointsettias.

The wreaths were beautiful too. 

There were lots of fun details to look at and I guess I'm drawn to snowmen. I thought the little tree on the chippy chair was really sweet.

And my favorite detail of all....a reminder of the true "Reason for the Season!.

I hope you enjoyed this little field trip to the Holiday Tree Festival!

Today's Thankfulness.....

* For a great medical facility for our children.

* For Christian music, and specifically Christian radio, which blesses me so much as I drive around town.

* For warm coats, gloves, and scarves.

* For family.

1 comment:

  1. Jill. I am thankful for Children's Hospital too. So competent and caring. No matter the emergency: from baby fevers to sporting accidents, I always felt safer once the boys were in their care.


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- Jill