
Friday, September 13, 2013

Staying Connected

Happy Friday, Everyone!
I just wanted to take a couple minutes to let you know of a couple different ways you can keep it touch with Still Keeping On The Narrow Way. If you like what you're reading and seeing, (Please God, let somebody like what they're reading and seeing.) it's easy to follow along.

I know most folks today are pretty savvy when it comes to social media. I'm savvy at some and still learning about others. But for the sake of those who are still trying to figure it all out, I'm going to go through it all. So those of you who have friended, linked in, and pinned already....just talk amongst yourselves for a minute.

First up is Facebook. If you LIKE the Still Keeping On The Narrow Way page, you will automatically get updates about new posts plus other interesting stuff  from me in your news feed.

Google+....This is new to me, but I am posting all new content here too. So if you are a Google+ person, you can click on the G+ button in my sidebar to find me there.

Next is Pinterest. We've already talked about how much I enjoy Pinterest. I would love for you to follow me there too.

Twitter....I do have a Twitter account. I confess it did give it up for a while. But I plan to revive that and hopefully connect with you there.

Instagram....I am not into Instagram yet, but hopefully will be soon.

My social media buttons are right up at the top of the blog (with the exception of Google+ in the sidebar) and will take you right where you want to go.

You can now also subscribe and receive updates in your inbox!

If you would like to contact me by email, you can do so by clicking on the "Contact Me" page. I would love to hear from you!

Lastly, I would love for you to leave a comment if you'd like. It's very easy to do. I would enjoy hearing your thoughts on anything I share, as well ideas you have about decorating and making your home special for your family.

The technology of today makes it possible to stay connected in so many ways. The reasons I decided to blog were to share what I love, hopefully inspire someone in some small way, and to meet new people and be inspired by their ideas. I hope you will join me!

Have a great weekend!

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- Jill