
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Fall "Parade of Homes"

I think by now you pretty much get that I like houses and homes. It is really something I've been interested in since I was very young.

I remember times when when my parents would be doing home improvements in the house where I grew up. I loved going with them to pick out paint or wallpaper. Oh, those massive wallpaper books! While Mom and Dad were picking out what they wanted, I would pour over those books until I found what I thought they should pick. And I was the kid who wanted to be Dad's "assistant" while he painted or hung the wallpaper.

When I was in Junior High I remember finding out about a contest being held by some teen magazine to design your dream room. The winner, of course, would win that room they came up with. I worked hard on a floor plan and tore pictures out of magazines of things I would like to have in my room. I remember it having a lot of rainbows in it. That was my thing back then. In the end, I was too afraid to send in my entry though.

When I was in high school, my parents bought me a new bedroom set and I got to pick it out. What fun it was to wander through the huge furniture store until I decided on just the right one.

I love touring homes and getting inspiration from others. Years ago, a quaint little town in our area used to have a tour of homes each summer hosted by the Garden Club. It was just fun to go through these homes that you wouldn't normally get to peek into. Some had been decorated by professional designers and some were just lovingly cared for by their owners. It was always something I looked forward to.

In our area, we have an annual Parade of Homes. Usually a new development is chosen to be highlighted and you can purchase a ticket to go through several model homes that have been professionally decorated. I would love to go some time, but it never fails that I find out the date after the fact.

Well now I have something even better to tell you about.

This week, Laura at Finding Home is hosting a Fall Tour of Homes along with 15 of her blogging friends. 

Each day, three of the bloggers will be featuring a Fall tour of their home on their blog. Let me tell you, after seeing yesterday's tours, I can tell you that you will be blown away. If you need some inspiration or just want to get into the Autumn spirit, you need to check it out. And the best thing is that you can do it from the comfort of your own home. Even in your jammie's if you like. I won't tell.

Before I go, I also want to tell you about a great giveaway going on over at Drinking From My Saucer.  My dear sister, Sally, is giving away a sweet print by Sasha at Lemonade Makin' Mama. She also has a discount for Sasha's Etsy store. You will love her prints and other goodies she has. They would make great gifts. Christmas is just around the corner, folks. Just sayin'.

Make it a great day!

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- Jill