
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

So Tempted

On Sunday we went to my sister-in-law and brother-in-law's to celebrate my niece's birthday. The kids came home with these cute teeny-weeny pumpkins, fresh from their garden. They have a bumper crop this year.

These sweet little pumpkins have given me the itch. No, not an allergic-to-pumpkins, break-out-in-hives kind of itch. You know the itch I mean. Because you may have it too!

It's the itch to break out all those Autumn-y (Yes, that's a word. I checked. Not really.) decorations! Pumpkins, leaves, acorns, candy corn....all that golden goodness, I love the way the orange pumpkins look alongside the pieces of black and white Asiatic Pheasant dishes I've been picking up here and there from HomeGoods. It's SO tempting!

Even though Fall decor is popping up on blogs all over the Internet, I think I will try to wait just a little bit longer. I mean, we've barely turned the calendar over to September and it's still pretty hot and muggy least in our neck of the woods. And there is a small part of me that's still holding on to Summer.

So I will wait. But it's very tempting.

Has your mind started turning toward Fall yet?

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- Jill