
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I'm Still Learning

So, when I decided to blog, I knew that the photography was going to be my weakness. I mean, I love pretty things, but I just was never too concerned about great photos because I was only taking snapshots of the family with my pretty basic Kodak point-and-shoot.
The last couple of days I've been dreaming of a fancy-dancy camera. But, alas, that is DEFINITELY not in the budget. So I'm trying really hard to be content with what I have been blessed with and have adopted the mantra that it's all about the camera OPERATOR and not the camera. Which means I've been practicing.

I've been experimenting with some of the few settings I actually do have on my camera. And I THINK there has been some small improvements. For example, in this photo, I increased the sharpness so much that you can see the dust on my shelf. (Note to self: Always dust first! Picture me embarrassed.)

I've also been playing around with Photoshop a little more. I've had it for years but mainly used it for digital scrapbooking. I've only dabbled in editing photos. There's still a ways to go with that too. I have been using the "Guided" editing mode which has been helpful to get me thinking about what things I should consider when trying to improve a photo.

Photography in my kitchen has always been a challenge, even when just taking pictures at one of the kid's birthday parties or something. The light is kind of funky and photos always have a golden cast to them. I'm working on trying to improve that as well.

And trying to take clear tight shots.

And just experimenting and having fun. 'Cause that's what it's all about, right?

So I'm learning as I go and I hope you will bear with me. And maybe forgive a grainy photo here or there.

In the mean time, check out some GOR-GEOUS photos that Sasha a.k.a. Lemonade Makin' Mama took....with her PHONE. Amazing!
(I AM in the market for a new phone....hmmmm.....)

1 comment:

  1. The best advice I have is to take a zillion pictures, and you'll no doubt get a good one! LOL I love Sasha's pictures!!!


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